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In case you missed it over the long Thanksgiving weekend, this is our semi-annual fund drive. Please consider a donation or subscription. Also, given that this is CYBER MONDAY, consider using the links in the sidebar since a small portion of your purchase goes...

From Kurt Schlichter, “thanks, suckers”: Young Obama Supporters Get Straight Talk from Conservative California Lawyer Tin Soldiers coming: Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week Hey Tin Soldiers, don’t lean forward: Gay Sex Pundit’s $24K Lecture on Fisting and Fetishes [Pro tip:...

I have been telling you for at least a year that Elizabeth Warren will be a serious challenger to Hillary, if she wants it. You have to realize that Democrats in general, and particularly the liberal base, don’t give a hoot about Warren’s rip-off of...

David Frum at The Daily Beast, and Alex Pareene at, each write about Elizabeth Warren and Ted Cruz, and 2016. Frum sees a Warren run ending in defeat at the hands of the Clinton machine, How Ted Cruz Can Win in 2016: Democrats liked Hillary...

Greg Pollowitz at National Review asked, Which Is Worse: ‘High Cheekbones’ or ‘Redskins’? A few things are bothering me about Bob Costas calling the term “Redskins” a slur on Sunday night. One, Democrats had absolutely no issue when then senate candidate Elizabeth Warren justified her...

You know the story why this blog was started on October 12, 2008 at 5:42 p.m. Here’s what the blog looked like on November 15, 2008 and for the first 2 1/2 years while we were on Google Blogger (Yikes! It’s like looking at your junior high school photo): Hey, look...