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Ted Cruz appeared today at the Values Voters Summit. The big news was that he got heckled and gave it back. Here’s the clip.  (The full video is here.)

Ted Cruz was on the floor of the Senate today making the case about defunding Obamacare and keeping the government open. While he may not be successful, as even Mitch McConnell abandoned the cause and the sniping from Republicans continues — even as to his...

I believe Marco Rubio, Bobby Jindal and Ted Cruz to be “natural born Citizens” and eligible to be President.  Here’s why. 1. Summary There are few eligibility requirements to be President.  You don’t have to be smart, wise, experienced, honest, educated, or a particular gender or race....

Cruz, that is. And he’s hoping to make your wish come true. From J, taken in Charlottesville, VA:   Update (h/t Twitchy) Like this license plate? — Senator Ted Cruz (@SenTedCruz) July 8, 2013

I think Carville is sincere here. Via Mediaite: “I think he is the most talented and fearless Republican politician I’ve seen in the last 30 years,” Carville asserted emphatically, as the panel discussed Cruz’s reported presidential aspirations. “I further think that he is going to...

The NY Times is concern trolling: Cruz Breaks With Senate Tradition While Criticizing Colleagues (emphasis added): In his short time at the Capitol, Senator Ted Cruz, a freshman Republican from Texas, has shown little regard for long-standing rules of decorum. But on Friday, he publicly discussed...

Via Mediaite: On Thursday, during a committee hearing in the U.S. Senate on gun control legislation, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) engaged in a heated exchange over the constitutionality of her support for stricter gun control laws. In posing a question...

Two of the Republican Senators most demonized by the liberal media, Ted Cruz and Rand Paul, are doing the job liberal politicians and media refuse to do out of loyalty to Obama. From Mediaite: On Tuesday, the Department of Justice sent shockwaves through the nation...

The mainstream media, egged on by Democrats, is trying to pin the “McCarthy” label on Ted Cruz. It doesn’t matter whether there is a basis, all that matters is that there’s a name connection made. It’s a meme started by the usual cabal of Democratic politicians...

Chuck Hagel was an embarrassment yesterday at this confirmation hearing.  John Podhoretz has it right: Well, as a result of this confirmation hearing — the most disastrous of its kind since another veteran senator, John Tower, blew himself up in his pursuit of the same...

Dated January 11, 2013 (h/t gs in the Tip Line): Dear SarahPAC Supporter, Together, we made history this November! Our victory in the U.S. Senate race in Texas was a remarkable testament to the conservative grassroots. We started out as underdogs in a long, competitive primary....

Ted Cruz won a stunning victory tonight. Twitter was abuzz. But one Tweet with a photo seemed to capture the night. Cruz has Chick-Fil-A at victory party #txrunoff #txsen — Jane Cummins (@janecummins) August 1, 2012 Tea-partier Cruz has Chick-Fil-A at victory party in...