One of the great frustrations the past several months (years) is completely inarticulate leadership on the Republican side. The “fiscal cliff” was just another typical debacle in failed ability to explain ourselves.
Compare almost any press conference or speech or other communication by almost any Republican figure with the performance Ted Cruz gave this week at hearings on gun control legislation. The ability to present a case to the voters, who are the jury, is a talent we need more of:
Update: Exhibit B, taking apart Chuck Hagel which had Chuck Todd pleading for him to stop:

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Thank you, Texas!
You’re welcome! 🙂
Didn’t you hear? The Tea Party is dead…
Cruz was effective because he did what too many of the Reps have refused to do – 1. his homework and 2. he called BS on the Dems.
How many blatant lies did Obama and his surrogates put out during the election that were left in the public view as truth? I just sat and watched a Dem economist argue that a -.1 GDP was actually wonderful news. Data may suck, but if you don’t even try to give the public the facts, don’t expect them to support you.
FYI – Gayle Trotter was excellent too.
Feeling pretty good about our Ted.
BUT, rest assured he will be watched carefully and steered right if he wanders off.
The day when we elect even good people and go to sleep is GONE.
Sorry but I find Mark Kelly a despicable leftist shill–and I notice he got up and scurried off when Cruz started reviewing the facts. I will never forget Mark Kelly promoting the idea that Palin was responsible for the shooting of his wife. Ted Cruz is awesome.
I’m not a fan either, but that looked more like a bathroom scurry to me.
Keep an eye out, Tillman Fertita is a close friend of Mark Kelly’s and probably a big Democrat donor, since he owns casinos in NV and NJ. Cruz needs to be wary of Tillman and Landry’s Corp.
Texas Cruz Missile right on target.
He’s off to a great start. I’m not gay, but I’m developing a man-crush on Senator Cruz.
Ted Cruz is the freaking James Bond of the Republican Party!
He tears ’em up with truth, facts and most damaging, their own filthy words. So… how long until the Left, the Fifth Column Media and the DNC try to do to him what they did to Joe McCarthy?
I’m sure it won’t be long- he has a target painted on his back now. He makes Obama and the Dems look stupid and like liars, so they are probably sending out their cadres of private investigators even as we post. They’ll try to smear and/or blackmail every person who has ever crossed his path and will go after his family, business associates, friends, babysitter, housekeeper, you name it.
I think Ted Cruz is outstanding and a credit to the Senate. He just needs backup.
Hopefully he will give them the courage to stand up and be counted!
Cruz – Ted Cruz
Thank you for this post Professor. It is telling. Senator Cruz was concise, on message and on point in making a relatively difficult case to a crowd with a notoriously short attention span. They already know what they know to be true. LaPierre was meandering, obtuse, ineffective & muddied the stream Cruz was developing. Cruz, what should be done. LaPierre what has been done.
If NC hadn’t gone full GOP in our congress and governor’s office, I’d be packing my bags for Texas right now.
Cruz destroys Hagel in his confirmation hearing afte Hagel once said in an interview that America is the world’s bully. Cruz has the confidence and stature of someone who’s been in the Senate for 30 years, not a month. Impressive dude, for sure:
Just watched the Hagel segment–I can honestly say watching Ted Cruz has given me the first glimmer of hope for the Republic since November 6! I do believe “he’s the One”
Thank dear God in heaven I got to vote for the guy.
I got to hear him speak, very early on. He’s amazingly real.
So did I! Remember?
I too voted for Cruz, Ted Cruz! Twice!
Dewhurst is sure lookin like a pissant now, compared to Senator Cruz, huh?
Darn. I missed all the fun. We had power/cable/internet outages in this part of NY after last night’s storm until about an hour ago. Gotta love Con Edison! Anyway, with the little bit of cell service I had, I followed Jennifer Rubin’s awesome Twitter feed (@JRubinBlogger) of the Hagel hearing.
Thanks for posting the clip here because there’s no way it’ll be on any network news tonight.
PS: Twitchy has a post up now of the media lapdog blame game with lead dog Chuck Todd throwing a few left hooks at Cruz.
I think that old sourpuss Patrick Leahy pissed his pants making sure Senator Cruz didn’t get a second chance to speak.
Anyone remember when Cruz was only 2% in the polls (Margin of error was 3%)? Then three little things happened: An energized TX conservative base, the Tea Party and Sarah Palin.
I’m glad I support all three.
Viva Cruz!!!!!
Oh yes. I remember she wore the boots that Perry had given her .
I think Ted & Sarah just have to make a public appearance together & all hell will break loose.
Ted Cruz is everything I ever thought a Us Senator ought be & only in the job 2 weeks.
Puts Mr Earnest Backstabber (r Wi). To shame.
Yep I know Mr Earnest B is House.
Cruz’s interrogating skills are one of the few times I have seen that gives lawyers a good name. his skill really shows up a flabby headed ho across the table.
He engages at a point that does not allow squirming.
I think we are seeing the rise of an actual American intellectual – maybe even a giant.
Sarah who? Oh, that’s right. Sarah Palin who is now looking for a new gig.
Sorry, Banned, but Sarah Palin had little, or perhaps nothing, to do with the fact that Texans, not Alaskans, elected Ted Cruz. You see, his history proves he’s not a quitter.
Lol one line about her Texan boots & Retire is off on his PDS.
Retire – you are a f***cking Yankee. GFYS.
Ha I always wanted to say that. I have adopted a D thus BBTG (D ) .
I can now accuse anyone of anything.
Damned… It’s sure nice to see a conservative senator who is articulate and has his facts straight. The bonus, he’s my senator!
[…] William Jacobson on Le*gal In*sur*rec*tion: Exhibit A as to why we needed Ted Cruz in the Senate (Update: Exhibit B — Chuck Hagel) […]
Thank you, Gov. Palin!
“Thank you, Gov. Palin!”
For what? Showing up one time in the Woodlands when the election was just weeks away and we Texans had worn out massive shoe leather getting out the vote for Ted Cruz?
Heck, 90% of the people that voted for Ted Cruz didn’t even know that Palin was coming/came to campaign for Ted.
Yeah, I know, Ted Cruz thanked Palin for her help. So what? He thanked a lot of people for their help, including Mark Levin.
Is there anything good done by Republicans that you Palinistas can’t attribute to her?
Marco Who?
Thank God for Sen Ted Cruz, and especially to all the voters who elected Ted Cruz to the US Senate. He is truly our Reagan Tea Party Constitutional Conservative who will not only speak the Truth with a backbone of courage and conviction against the lies and propaganda of this anti-American socialist marxist islamist rogue regime, and it’s cronies and henchmen, in addition, he will not be intimidated and bullied by the liberal progressive GOP RINO establishment oligarch hierarchy either.