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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Okay, yeah, the mainstream media totally sticks to the nonpartisan position they should all have. I blogged about how Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi ruined the bipartisan stimulus bill in the Senate. The New York Times used a correct headline the first time but changed it two more times to move the blame away from the Democrats.


Two weeks ago we noted that Democrats and the media were attacking Trump as racist for using the term "China virus." That was part of a wide effort not only to ban that term, but any term tying the coronovirus to China. That effort started from the moment Trump restricted travel from China. That decision, now recognized at buying the U.S. critical time, was called racist and xenophobic, including by Joe Biden:

If you're a political / news junkie like me, you have been inundated with coronavirus doom and gloom of late.  From the media's relentless TDS that has turned them into scruffy sandwich-board doomsday prophets to news of stay-at-home orders and various lock-downs, we can easily get caught up in the panic and despair ourselves.

One of Elizabeth Warren's key 2020 presidential campaign pledges was eschewing big money donors and PACs, claiming they were dangerous to democracy. Of course, this didn't stop her from transferring over from her Senate campaign big money from big donors, nor did it stop her campaign from holding big dollar fundraisers with a cardboard cutout in place of Warren herself.

I went to Walmart early this morning, hoping to pick up a few things before the crowds arrived. The bad news is the shelves were really picked over, frighteningly so, and not just for food. The good news is the aisles were filled with wrapped pallets of food and assorted other things, with workers feverishly unpacking and shelving items. Seems I got there just a little too early.