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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



It's like 2016 all over again in almost every.single.way. but also with riots and a global pandemic (thanks, China). Over the weekend, April Ryan, a political analyst for CNN suggested that if Biden wins, America would be watching a split screen in which Trump would be dragged out of the White House over his refusal to leave.

Over the last few months, Americans have watched in disgust as Democrat leaders banned people from attending church or opening their businesses, while allowing massive protests and riots. Now the funeral for Congressman John Lewis has shown, beyond any doubt, that there are two sets of rules, one for the liberal, political elite class, and another for everyone else.

So maybe as early as next week Joe Biden will announce who he is picking to be his vice presidential nominee. Or more precisely, the vice president nominee will be picked, Biden will be informed, will come to believe he made the choice, and will appear in front of a camera with a note written in large crayon with the person's name.