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Some links from across the web for your Saturday evening reading. Ripple effects of the Donald Sterling drama…via Twitchy, Man defends Donald Sterling’s right to be an ‘old bigot’ in his own home, is fired GameInformer has an updated post on this with a statement...

NGO Monitor keeps watch on anti-Israeli non-governmental organizations, and provides valuable research contesting many of the outlandish claims made by these mostly left-wing groups financed by European governments. The NGOs, some of which are staffed by Israeli leftists, subject Israel to a microscope no society...

First they came for the Joker: College Student arrested for wearing “Joker” make-up to class Damn good thing they didn’t wear Joker make-up at these events, or they might have been in trouble: Brown University Celebrates “Nude Week” Video – Jesse Watters Covers “Nude Week”...

Sometimes what comes around, goes around. The Washington Times is reporting that the Florida Commission on Ethics has launched an investigation of controversial State prosecutor Angela Corey over her firing of IT director Ben Kruidbos in the aftermath of the prosecutorial debacle that was the...

In the aftermath of the Zimmerman trial we see outrage and protest among those who think Zimmerman is guilty of something or other, even if the criminal justice system couldn’t quite put its finger on it. “He racially profiled Trayvon”—although there’s no evidence whatsoever of...

Lois Lerner famously purported to invoke the 5th Amendment privilege against self-incrimination yesterday while appearing before Congress. A number of people have reached out to me to ask me to write about it.  Unfortunately, it’s outside my area of experience and I don’t have time...

Lords of the Flies: Johns Hopkins pro-choice group tries to silence pro-life students using “harassment” policy Northwestern Latino student group says eating tacos to celebrate Cinco de Mayo is racist Berkeley student govt calls for divestment from “United States Prison Industrial Complex” including, um, McDonalds...