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The United States nominally opposed the General Assembly Resolution granting nonmember state status to “Palestine.” In the short run, it changes nothing on the ground, but it does embolden the Palestinians to hold out for everything, including  a reversion to the 1949 Armistice borders, commonly...

The estimable Walter Russell Mead has a disturbing story about the so-called Free Gaza Movement. The website of the Free Gaza Movement, a sponsor of the Gaza Flotilla, lists some impressive celebrity endorsements. One of the most impressive names on the list is that of...

Florida prosecutor Angela Corey has come under withering criticism from Alan Dershowitz for overcharging and leaving out important details in the Affidavit of Probable Cause filed in connection with the charge of Second Degree Murder lodged against George Zimmerman. Corey allegedly responded by threatening to...

Angela Corey is the special prosecutor in the George Zimmerman case. Yesterday, Alan Dershowitz alleged that Corey threatened to sue for libel based on Dershowitz’s criticisms of Corey’s handling of the Zimmerman case, particularly the decision to charge 2nd Degree murder and the alleged failure...

Yesterday I posted about how Alan Dershowitz alleged that Zimmerman prosecutor Angela Corey called up Harvard Law School complaining about Dershowitz and treatening to sue for libel based on Dershowitz’s criticisms of her handling of the case. The whole incident seemed strange, and reflected conduct that...

Today.  But, but you say, wasn’t it already celebrated on April 26? Yes, but that’s according to the Hebrew calendar.  May 14, 1948, was the date under the Christian calendar of actual independence (photo via Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs): It’s also the day the...

The Elizabeth Warren story is not about whether she is 1/32nd Cherokee. Questions persist as to why Warren listed herself as Native American, a fact as to which she had no proof until yesterday, only in a publication almost exclusively used by other law professors and Deans during a...

things we hold dear: Allen West — They edited the tape, of course. Religion — Vanderbilt tells Catholic Students To Change Name. Holocaust remembrance. Republicans — We’re rooting for failure again. Israel — what do 74 Dems have in common? and some things we don’t...

Piers Morgan interviewed crime writer Patricia Cornwell as to how critical forensics — such as bullet distance and trajectory — will be. Since no one, except perhaps the investigators, has that evidence so far, anyone who is speculating on what happend is just speculating. The...

One of my big regrets is not making more of a connection with Alan Dershowitz while in law school. I didn’t take any of his classes, but I did have some interaction with him since he was the faculty advisor to the Jewish Law Students Association. ...

Today is the anniversary of the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords and the murder of several others, including a federal judge and a young girl, by Jared Loughner. The victims appropriately will be remembered. Further investigation revealed that Loughner lived in a non-political paranoid delusional world, and to...

(by Matthew Knee) Yale recently announced the closing of the The Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), America’s first academic institute to study anti-Semitism, citing a lack of scholarly output and student interest. The overall Jewish community, and some newspaper columnists, are...

The Report issued by Richard Goldstone on the Gaza war is the single most influential document in the arsenal of those around the world — including on campuses in the United States — who seek to demonize and delegitimize Israel. That Goldstone is Jewish gave supposed...

Ed Koch, former Mayor of New York City, has come to the defense of Sarah Palin regarding her use of the term “blood libel” to describe the malicious and false accusations that Palin’s electoral target map contributed to the Tucson shootings (emphasis mine): Today the phrase “blood...

The people who falsely and maliciously accused Sarah Palin of inciting Jared Loughner to murder now are criticizing Palin for using the term “blood libel.” The term “blood libel” has it’s origins in the accusation in Europe (and more modern times, in the Middle East)...