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Hey, remember Cash for Clunkers? We sure do, we wrote about it frequently and predicted negative unintended consequences: We Are All Car Buyers Now Cash for Clunkers Driving Up Prices Cash For Clunkers Rear Ends Rhode Islanders “I Didn’t Buy A Clunker, But I’m Paying...

A UK man has been charged in connection with hacking into multiple US government computer systems, causing personal data of US military personnel to be compromised and millions of dollars in losses, according to US Attorney Paul Fishman in NJ. From Reuters: A British man...

We’ve written before about the travails of the Canadian Blazing Cat Fur blog against laware utilizing Canadian “hate” laws. Now Ezra Levant, another Canadian blogger and outspoken critic of radical Islamic tactics in Canada, is fighting in court over a lawsuit filed several years ago, as...

When you read the first few news dispatches below from the past year and a half, keep this photo in mind. Aid Groups and U.N. Agencies Urge Israel to Lift Gaza Blockade – The Associated Press – June 14, 2012 Fifty international aid groups and United Nations agencies...

In a move that is apt to stun the California-critics among Legal Insurrection readers, our state legislature passed a pro-fracking measure: Oil and gas drillers that use a technique known as fracking would face new rules in California under legislation that was sent to governor...

While in Jerusalem I stayed at the Mamilla Hotel, just above the open-air Mamilla Mall, near the Jaffa Gate to the Old City. What struck me about it was how Arabs and Jews intermingled freely — it was a very mixed crowd and a seeming...

There are very good arguments against intervention in Syria, even if I disagree with the conclusions reached from those arguments.  I haven’t denigrated those who disagree, although I can’t say the same is true in reverse. Unfortunately, regardless of how you come out on the...

A jury has sentenced Nidal Hasan to death for his heinous actions in the November, 2009 Fort Hood massacre. BREAKING: #Hasan sentenced to DEATH. — Fort Hood Shootings (@FtHoodShootings) August 28, 2013 #BREAKING: The @USArmy will soon transfer #Hasan to the U.S. Disciplinary Barracks at...

make sure you have this Twitchy article bookmarked, More Huffpo malfeasance: Byron York forces ‘update’ on Santorum gym shower comments The short version is that Rick Santorum made a comment about a conservative student group being denied locker room / shower facilities at a YMCA because of their...

Over the weekend, we covered the news of Tony Wang, the general manager of Twitter UK, apologizing to women who have experienced abuse on its site, after a female UK lawmaker and several journalists received threats of violence. In the face of very public backlash...