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KRQE News 13 in New Mexico learned that Democratic Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham broke her lockdown rules in order to buy jewelry. Lujan Grisham claims she didn't do anything wrong. She explained the caveats to the lockdown only after she got caught. These caveats surprised other small business owners, who thought absolutely no one was allowed in their stores for any reason.


On Tuesday, President Trump triggered Democrats and Twitter higher-ups in two tweets he posted warning about how mail-in ballots are ripe for voter fraud, suggesting Democratic efforts to make using mail-in paper ballots easier could lead to the presidential election being "rigged":

Presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden came under fire when he said "you ain't black" if you cannot choose between him and President Donald Trump during an interview on The Breakfast Club. Instead of taking full responsibility, Biden also blamed the black host Charlamagne that God.

Michigan Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has become a household name due to her strict lockdown rules during the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic. She urged people to stay away from northern Michigan if they do not reside in the area. However, the owner of a docking company revealed that Whitmer's husband Marc Mallory asked them to put out their family boat in the water before Memorial Day northern Michigan. Oh, Mallory also tried to use his wife's position as governor to receive special treatment.

Today's update features New York's former senator and 2016's losing presidential candidate. Despite the staggering number of nursing home deaths as a result of the gubernatorial lockdown rules, Hillary Clinton praised New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo's response to the coronavirus pandemic in a Memorial Day tweet.

Each Memorial Day we try to focus on the lives of a small number of individuals who gave their lives for our country, and whose stories we have followed for several years. In this way we put human faces and life stories honoring all those who paid the ultimate price. Click on each hyperlinked heading for prior posts about the person.