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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Honestly, you cannot blame presumptive 2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden for saying anything he wants because no one in the MSM will challenge him. Biden told community leaders in Wilmington, DE, that he called for a nationwide lockdown back in January because he knew we were facing a pandemic.

The country is on fire. It's not about George Floyd, if it ever was about George Floyd. Outside groups, agitators, and extremists have seized upon a tragedy and are destroying their local communities, torching small businesses, and beating people senseless. And for what?

Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison will lead the prosecution in the George Floyd case with assistance from Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman. It turns out "some elected officials and the Minnesota chapter of the" ACLU demanded a special prosecutor since the community does not trust Freeman. You guys might remember Ellison as a former Democratic congressman. His ex-girlfriend accused him of pulling her around the bedroom by her hair. He also publicly supported ANTIFA.

Earlier this week, a couple of social media hoaxes attempting to tie President Trump to the death of George Floyd went viral. The intent is to put a good crisis to good use, and "good use" for today's Democrats/left always means damaging Trump. For the left, it's always Orange Man Bad, and this attempt to tie both the actual George Floyd incident and the resulting riots to Trump is worth noting.

Britain's Prime Minister Boris Johnson wants the United States to lead an international alliance to build a 5G telecommunications network overcoming the West's dependence on China. "The government has approached Washington about a 'D10' club of democratic partners, based on the G7 plus Australia, South Korea and India," British newspaper The Times reported Friday.