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The Shark Tank reports that Debbie Wasserman Shultz has never before disclosed that she owns a second home and land in New Hampshire, under the name Debbie Schultz: According to public records, we’ve learned that Wasserman Schultz owns a second home here along with another land...

Romney finally hit his stride at a speech today in Pennsylvania. And all President Obama had to do was attack the very nature of our governing philosophy and the hard work and ingenuity of the American people. It’s well worth watching this clip, especially at...

From reader Peter: I saw your latest “Fakes” post and decided to share – I was visiting my 83 year old mom who lives on Chappaquiddick Island (part of Martha’s Vineyard) just last week.  It’s a lovely place and certainly is a playground of the...

After all, he asked for it. In a recent campaign appearance in Virginia, the President remarked: Ultimately, I think, Mr. Romney is going to have to answer those questions because if he aspires to being president, one of the things you learn is you’re ultimately...

Elizabeth Warren has developed a story line to counter questions about her claims to Native American, minority, and woman of color status based upon family lore that has no documentary support. But only when you compare her recent response during a livechat with her own...

Congressman Anthony Weiner may be taking steps to return the the political fray. The New York Post reports that the congressman is “desperate” to return to politics, and with a large campaign chest he has the money to do it. The disgraced former congressman —...

We’ve become accustomed to leftist agenda-ists using campaigns of intimidation and bullying to push their way into the public school system, museums, our churches and synagogues, and of course into the old guard media. Are consumer packaged goods the final frontier? By now you’ve probably...

Why this is borderline … well you know … fiscal responsibility.  There’s nothing worse than that. From Matt Taibbi of Rolling Stoner, Romney’s ‘Free Stuff’ Speech Is a New Low Wow. If you live long enough, you’ll see some truly gross things in politics, but...

I’ve written before about the latest fad on the American left, accusations of Israeli “pinkwashing.” Various anti-Israeli left-wing professors and professional activists, including those who hold themselves out as part of the gay rights movement, hold conferences to denounce pinkwashing, the positive publicity generated by...

Changing their minds, about everything. Despite the splash that followed Jonathan Krohn’s departure from conservativsm, I should hope this comes as absolutely no surprise to anyone. Discussing his ideological shift, Krohn said, I mean, come on, I was between 13 and 14 when I was...

From Chris Rock: With time standing still, Rock was right. There was slavery in much of the British Colonies, and Independence Day did not end that immediately.  It took about 90 years and a civil war to do that, although many slaves gained their freedom...

That’s basically Obama’s argument for Obamacare — he rattles of a small number of good things that people will like because they are free, and ignores the mountain of regulation which will crush so much of what makes the vast majority of Americans satisfied with...

It may seem counter-intuitive, but Upstate New York (the NY flyover country) is a key to holding the House, and will form a core of Operation Counterweight.  In 2010, Republicans picked up several seats upstate; redistricting has caused the loss of one upstate seat (and...

Reader Tom sent me this link to Charlie Cook’s assessment of the presidential campaign about a week ago, just before the Obamcare decision (emphasis mine): We are past the point where Obama can win a referendum election, regardless of whether it is on him or...

From reader Bronwyn: I saw this car at the Medical Center in Orange County, CA. I know our county leans more right than the rest of California, but with all the depressing news about our state I found this car a slight glimmer of hope....