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Just thought you’d be interested in some news about me. At a Cornell Law School faculty vote on Wednesday I was promoted to full Clinical Professor of Law.  It’s not tenure, which is a Cornell University designation not available to clinical faculty, but it complies...

Milton CVS robbed of painkillers, amphetamines: Police are looking for the man who robbed the CVS on Bassett Street Saturday  afternoon. A man carrying what was described as a silver folding knife robbed the store  of about 1,200 Percocet pills and 500 amphetamines at about...

Shocker? She’s been getting stranger by the day, including her claim that running against Mitch McConnell was like being raped. Democrats were going to swoon over Judd, and try to turn her into the next Elizabeth Warren. Who will they swoon around now, or are...

Fantasy, via an author in the final issue of The Boston Phoenix: Elizabeth Warren was the only senator on the Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) Committee, aside from the chair and ranking minority, to show up at last Thursday’s hearing on indexing the minimum wage to...

The primary goal of was to serve as a resource for people who don’t have the time to search dozens of websites and blogs. So when I stumbled on this at HuffPo the other day, it was one of those moments. The accusation was...

Team Breitbart: We’re going to smack Politico across the face and expose Buzzfeed: Breitbart’s Ben Shapiro took a more bellicose tone, declaring that Breitbart News writers would challenge not only the existing mainstream media for their biased coverage, but also the newer online outlets. “You’ll...

In no particular order: Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Republican Guard and hastening their political demise. Exposing, Once Again, the Old Failed Democratic Guard The Guardian: Democrats Shamefully Silent on Obama Administration’s Assertion of Right to Assassinate Americans on U.S. Soil Rand Paul carried out a...

The mainstream media, egged on by Democrats, is trying to pin the “McCarthy” label on Ted Cruz. It doesn’t matter whether there is a basis, all that matters is that there’s a name connection made. It’s a meme started by the usual cabal of Democratic politicians...

Some posts from the weekend, which was busier than usual: “Submit We Much” Week at College Insurrection Elizabeth Warren’s heroic Senate demagoguery American Women, not Koch Brothers, birthed the Tea Party Movement Colorlines and The Root accuse Marco Rubio of promoting racism A changing of...

I don’t claim to be a marketing genius, and I don’t drink much (at which point you collectively say, “that explains a lot”), but it truly made no sense to me when Maker’s Mark decided to dilute its bourbon. It has surrendered to the outcry:...

The nature of the hostility directed at me has changed over the years. In 2008-2010, it was mostly Obama supporters upset that someone who taught at an Ivy League law school would dissent.  I guess they figured their love letters weren’t working, so that has...

As mentioned during Our own inauguration day, the focus this year is local: …. at the state and local level we can, and have been, very effective.  That will be a focus of the Legal Insurrection in the coming year — changing what we can change,...