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The House Benghazi hearings started at 11:30, with various introductions. As of this writing, the substantive testimony had not yet begun. You also can watch the live hearings at CSPAN and via YouTube below: [Hearings adjourned for day, feed removed] Hicks: “Everyone at the Embassy...

I’m going to leave this as a stand alone post for you to follow updates as they happen in real time. MOVED TO NEWER POSTS

This is too funny. Drudge is live broadcasting the concert at The White House, dubbed Sequester Soul. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Drudge embed a live video. Too bad the children aren’t allowed in. You can watch it there, or here [party now over,...

A planned AFL-CIO rally for today to defend Saturday mail delivery may have been a bit premature after the  Government Accountability Office is claiming that the USPS cannot, by law, cut mail delivery to fewer than 6 days. Bloomberg News reports: The service is bound...

San Francisco city supervisor David Campos is making good on his campaign promise to go after “right-wing extremists,” reportedly proposing legislation Tuesday to increase the anti-free speech “bubble zone” around Planned Parenthood to 25 feet. Campos’s website describes exactly who he is trying to attack: “right-wing...

British MEP Daniel Hannan delivered an electrifying take down of the central tenets of the Occupy movement during a debate about the movement at the Young Britons’ Foundation this week. Hannan described the bank bailouts, which have led to a landscape now filled with “zombie...

I did get a chance, on my voyage yesterday, to listen to this part of Rush’s show (emphasis mine): RUSH:  I’m gonna take a stab at answering my question.  Obama is literally pushing people to snap, attacking the very sanity of the country.  To what end? ...

UPDATE: Both bills (for private and public sectors) passed the House. 5:45 p.m. Bills have been signed into law: Snyder: I’ve signed these bills #righttowork… — Jonathan Oosting (@jonathanoosting) December 11, 2012 “I view this as opporotunity to stand up for Michigan workers. Freedom...

in the country you fear America is becoming. Spotted in Ithaca.  

The time has arrived. You can follow the Legal Insurrection Election Night Twitter Feed embedded below for the fastest results — no one can type a blog entry as fast as Twitter. The Authors at Legal Insurrection and College Insurrection also will be updating in the dialogue...