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Working on posts about Santorum’s 2004 endorsement of and campaigning with Arlen Specter (and the false meme that we would not have Alito and Roberts if not for Santorum helping re-elect Specter), and another name to add to Operation Counterweight. But for now you’ll have...

Welcome to Legal Insurrection’s Iowa Caucuse live event. We will stay live until the results are in. You can comment in the Live Feed with any of the usual social media user i.d.’s such as Twitter, Facebook and Open ID (Google, Yahoo, etc.). Your Legal...

What goes around comes around.  Michele Bachmann hired Ed Rollins as campaign manager last spring and the first thing he did was trash Sarah Palin. Bachmann let the Rollins’ comments hang out there for a while and then went on TV to say what good...

Some people in the Republican Party want to follow John McCain’s policy of not going after Obama personally: Republicans on a private Republican National Committee conference call with allies warned Tuesday that party surrogates should refrain from personal attacks against President Barack Obama, because such...

Good news out of San Francisco today:  A federal appeals court ruled Thursday that most bone marrow donors can be paid, overturning a decades-old law that made such compensation a crime. In its ruling Thursday, the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals said a technological...

The debate between Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich is scheduled for 90 minutes starting at 8 p.m. Eastern.  We will have an embed if available, or you can open a separate window for The Right Scoop or C-SPAN. To comment in the live feed please...

Herman Cain and Newt Gingrich are having a Lincoln-Douglas style debate tonight in Texas, starting at 8 p.m. Eastern. I’ll be doing a live blog for it, and I’ll try to embed the C-Span live coverage, if that is possible (I don’t think it’s possible,...

Slow day here, traveled back from Palm Desert.  I never watched the show The OC, but I hope the scenery is better than what I saw on the drive back to the airport. Where has everyone gone this weekend? Ah, this explains it, Power outages...

In seven months, foie gras is going to be banned by California. The impetus for the bill was, of course, animal rights activists who claim that the fattened goose or duck liver promotes cruelty to animals. Naturally, chefs are fighting back and planning types of...

It seems the rest of the Generation Y crew has weighed in on this, so I figured I’d put in my two cents. My experience is more like Michael’s than Kathleen’s.  Islamist terrorism was a real issue in the world grew up in.  It was...

I have posted before about how the shrinking workforce tends to mask just how bad unemployment really is because people who have given up hope and stopped looking are not counted in the most widely cited calculation. So the news yesterday that the unemployment rate...

So much for all the talk of civility. In one of the most deranged columns yet (and that’s saying a lot for NY Times columnists), Joe Nocera unleashed an unhinged attack on the Tea Party movement, calling Tea Partiers terrorists, jihadists and suicide bombers: You know what...

Isn’t that what this all is about at this moment in time? We just have to last another 18 months and win the presidential election, and then our long national nightmare will come to an end.  Until then, we’re just trying to limit the damage....

Benjamin Korn of Jews for Sarah, writing at the JTA,  OP-ED: Jews becoming commonplace in conservative ‘new media’: Many reviews already have appeared of “The Undefeated,” the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin’s tenure in Alaska.Yet none of them — even in The Los Angeles Times,...

There are no clear reports. Some say dead, some say dying, some say planning a triumphant return having beaten the disease which the Yankee-imperialist dogs used to try to kill him through the agents of the Zionist Entity. In anticipation of the worst/best, here goes:

I get so infuriated when Republicans pile on Sarah Palin not over policy but through personal insult because these people don’t seem to understand that they are joining in a mob which eventually will come around to beat down their own favorite candidate.  And as of today,...