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Well, this is interesting. The University of Virginia is defending its former (and soon to be again?) President Teresa Sullivan against allegations by a former Rutgers law professor revealed in a series by Michael Patrick Leahy, concerning a book co-authored with Elizabeth Warren.  Background...

I attended the Breitbart Awards dinner in Providence last night.  It was part of the Future of Journalism Summit sponsored by The Heritage Foundation and The Franklin Center. Jim Hoft has the details on the winners.  There were about 100 people in attendance. Via Jim’s blog,...

Anne Sorock attended the Netroots Nation convention yesterday morning, and asked a thoroughly legitimate question of the members of a panel on Native American identity: “I thought it was really interesting in particular that you wondered to yourself, ‘what is a real Indian,’ and you...

Spotted: the director of the upcoming documentary “Hating Breitbart” clowning the Occupy protesters by joining their crowd Monday afternoon: Better yet, Rebel Pundit got out and led the crowd in chants, holding a “Breitbart Is Here” sign: Seems just like the time Andrew Breitbart led Code...

From the website: The office of the Los Angeles County coroner has completed its investigation into the death of Andrew Breitbart on March 1, and has confirmed that he died of natural causes, namely heart failure. Chief Coroner Investigator Craig Harvey told Breitbart News...

Today in South Carolina politics: Rumors are swirling based on rumors of rumors that Nikki Haley is going to be indicted for something she did or didn’t do almost a decade ago in connection with her family’s fundraising to build a Sikh Temple.  She denies...

Target Point Consulting has put together a very interesting timeline of key points in Andrew Breitbart’s internet and media mentions (pdf version). Sent to me by Matthew Knee. (Click image to enlarge or view pdf. version)

Upon hearing of the death of Andrew Breitbart, Breitbart’s Twitter nemesis Eric Boehlert of Media Matters sent a respectful and classy tweet: Even Media Matters itself, with whom Breitbart sparred almost daily, issued a respectful statement: Media Matters has a long history with Andrew Breitbart. We’ve...

I only spoke once with Andrew Breitbart. He reached out to me, and we spoke by phone.  The topic is not important, but I was shocked that he even knew who I was; but as I’ve come to learn, Andrew seemed to know who everyone...

Very sad news to report, just breaking.  Andrew Breitbart is dead. Via Big Journalism: Andrew passed away unexpectedly from natural causes shortly after midnight this morning in Los Angeles. We have lost a husband, a father, a son, a brother, a dear friend, a patriot...

Oh, he’s poking Team Obama and the media in the eye. He’s says he’s got some films of Obama from college, and he’ll release them at just the right time. I wonder if the films were courtesy of Ayers and Dorn. When would be the...

Earlier today I noted that numerous people owed Andrew Breitbart an apology. Among those people was Charles Johnson of Little Green Footballs who accused Andrew Bretibart of “smearing” Weiner with “phony” accuastions.  Now that Bretibart has been vindicated, is Charles willing to man up and apologize? ...

Now that more photos and information are coming out from multiple sources about Anthony Weiner’s online exchange of photos and salacious talk, it is worth revisiting how the left blogosphere relentlessly pushed the meme that this was an Andrew Breitbart hoax: Charles Johnson: Joseph Cannon: DailyKos: Eric...

On February 15, 2011, I dissected the lawsuit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Andrew Breitbart and Lawrence O’Connor, for defamation and other claims arising out of the release of Sherrod’s speech to the NAACP about her experiences with a white farmer. In my analysis, I...

Namely, anyone from the Obama administration, the people who actually “forced” Sherrod to resign. Mark Levin makes the point (and gives a nice shout out to my post Dissecting Shirley Sherrod’s Complaint Against Andrew Breitbart) : ——————————————–Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

I’m not going to repeat all the background; read my prior posts: The Original Sherrod Clip Was Not “False” Shirley Sherrod May Prefer The Life Left Unexamined Shirley Sherrod Catches Andrew Breitbart’s Car Where we are today is that last Friday Sherrod filed and this...