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You know that saying about the dog which chased the car but didn’t know what to do once it caught it.  Shirley Sherrod just filed suit against Andrew Breitbart, but I think she’ll find it was not worth the pursuit. The lawsuit concerns Breitbart’s release last summer...

Shirley Sherrod is going to sue Andrew Breitbart, she says. The liberal internets are all aTwitter with joy. Andy finally is going to get his comeuppance. It is unclear what the grounds for the suit would be. Defamation? For what, showing a two-minute clip of...

Before her stroke ten years ago, Mandy was vibrant and full of life and ready for the fight. Her mom updates us: "She continues to slowly learn new words. She shows more interest in the internet and is also listening to political podcasts. She misses who she used to be but is content with who she is now. I have never seen her depressed."

"I met a 12-year-old young man who challenged me at the DNC tonight about my policy that every high school senior should have to pass the same civics exam required of legal immigrants. I’m proud of him for his courage."