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It was widely reported earlier this week that there was a mass coaching of Mexicans as to which phrases to use at the border to gain them temporary asylum, including lodging: A sudden influx of illegal immigrants from Mexico requesting asylum is overwhelming immigration agents...

make sure you have this Twitchy article bookmarked, More Huffpo malfeasance: Byron York forces ‘update’ on Santorum gym shower comments The short version is that Rick Santorum made a comment about a conservative student group being denied locker room / shower facilities at a YMCA because of their...

I’ve flagged the pathway to citizenship (even more so than other forms of legalization) as the critical issue in the immigration debate. Granting citizenship to adults who came here illegally is horrible policy which historically has proven a huge carrot to increased illegal immigration regardless...

The amnesty charade which has taken place in the Senate with the visible advocacy of several Republican Senators — Rubio, McCain, Graham, Corker, Hoeven — and the assistance of 10 other Republican Senators who voted for cloture is just about the last straw. I’m not...

The Senate is debating the amended amnesty immigration bill. Technically it’s the Leahy amendment as modified by the Hoeven-Corker amendment. A vote is expected around 5:30 p.m. Eastern. UPDATE — the cloture motion passed by over 60 votes (still awaiting final count). (Apparently several Senators...

That’s what today’s vote on the Corker amended immigration bill is about. The Senate bill cannot pass the House, there’s been no public debate and consensus within the Republican Party on the key issues of legalization and citizenship for law-breakers, and most if not all...

Comment worth considering from Adios Taxifornia: bannor | June 21, 2013 at 7:54 am The problem with a lot of people that flee California is they continue to vote for the same type of people and idea that wrecked that state. Ask Colorado. From the Tip...

Shall I hear more, or shall I speak at this? Video via Hot Air: But wait, Senate rejects border fence: Senators on Tuesday rejected building the 700 miles of double-tier border fencing Congress authorized just seven years ago, with a majority of the Senate saying...

Shut yo mouth: Texas high school cuts valedictorian’s mic for talking about the US Constitution Australian University Censors Speech Deemed Offensive to Islam Pro-Palestinian groups on campus aren’t big fans of free speech And dress the way we tell you: New Hampshire senior not allowed...

To say that there is disgust growing in the ranks is an understatement. If adults who broke the law to come here illegally get citizenship, it will be a spit in the face of millions of legal immigrants who followed the rules, and many millions...

While you were watching the Obama Scandals and the NSA leaks, Harry Reid was moving the Gang of 8 immigration bill to a vote. The Gang of 8 got a big boost when Sen. Kelly Ayote endorsed the bill this weekend. But hope is not...