make sure you have this Twitchy article bookmarked,
More Huffpo malfeasance: Byron York forces ‘update’ on Santorum gym shower comments
The short version is that Rick Santorum made a comment about a conservative student group being denied locker room / shower facilities at a YMCA because of their politics, which HuffPo and the usual suspects then turned into some sort of Santorum sexual phobia complex or worse, subliminal fetish.
Byron York called HuffPo out on it:
Liberal blogosphere taking shots at Rick Santorum today over this story in HuffPo:
— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 7, 2013
Read HuffPo story. Any hint of why Santorum said that? Did he make it up? Some sort of sexual kookiness? Shower weirdness?
— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 7, 2013
HuffPo story never mentions what Santorum was talking about. Since HuffPo didn't, here it is:
— Byron York (@ByronYork) August 7, 2013
Then Twitchy documented how it spread.
The Santorum showere meme is a very good example of the crazying of Republicans and conservatives, which is a common tactic we have explored before:
Bookmark it. You’ll need it.
Just like you needed to Save This Tweet For Use In Political Emergency:
Discovery Channel hostage-taker is the perpetrator of a crime-not liberal, conservative or a chance to score points #p2
— Media Matters (@mmfa) September 1, 2010

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Modern Rules for News Coverage:
Democrats/ Regressives – Ignore any mention of news that might cause them to be placed under public scrutiny and make up good things that may or may not have actually happened so as to make them appear “great or cool.”
Republicans/ Conservatives – Find a sound bite or written quote they’ve made. Misquote them or take it out of context. Then when public outrage begins, criticize them for what they never said.
Just remembering the Village People & the general bonhomie of the times. Gone.
It’s important to understand the full context of sacrificial rites (e.g. abortion) in order to appreciate why it causes so many people to feel uncomfortable and motivate them to protest. For this lesson China serves the purpose to reveal the full extent of murderous activity that abortion clinics have facilitated and obfuscated.
Chinese Woman Loses Mind After Seeing Her Baby Killed by Doctors
“The baby was still breathing and moving when the doctor put him into a plastic bag,” Wu said.
Gosnell’s clinic of horrors was not a cultural artifact.
Later, his wife started having nightmares. She felt guilty for not having protected her child. She also became ill-tempered and started showing signs of mental disorder.
A normal response to witnessing raw, unfettered violation of a human life. A human life evolves from conception to death. People without ulterior motives recognize and acknowledge this incontrovertible truth.
The Chinese regime initiated population control policies in the 1970s, and stepped up the efforts in the 1980s with the one-child policy. Doctors in China have performed 336 million abortions and 196 million sterilizations, and inserted 403 million intrauterine devices over the decades, according to official statistics. Every year they abort roughly 7 million pregnancies, sterilize almost two million men and women, and insert seven million intrauterine devices, according to data from the Ministry of Health.
Huh. In the 70s. Perhaps that’s just a coincidence.
I think the abortion rate in America is close to one million annually. A lot of bad choices were and are made by women, and men, who seem incapable of self-moderating, responsible behavior. The rationalization of their bad choices has only served to exacerbate the loss and devaluation of human life, and provided incentive to the progress of corruption and dysfunctional behaviors.
I wonder if there are any abortionists in a YMCA shower.
Anyway, there is a desperate need to have a conversation about the terms and circumstances of reality. It seems that a significant number in our population think that it is malleable and subject to selective interpretation.
it’s a crazy story no matter what. where the heck were these pro-life students staying that they all needed to use the Y to take a group shower ?? …and, of all the stories santorum might want to use to illustrate how conservatives are discriminated against, did he have to choose the young-men-in-the-shower tale ? considering santorum’s history of obsession with all things gay, it’s little wonder that some folks jumped on this odd story before learning all of the details.
Does it bother you to be a useful idiot serving the interests of the left?