Moving to final stages of Senate #amnesty push
Update — is the fix in for passage?
The next few days will be critical to the shape and passage of the Gang of 8 bill, with recent additions to border security being characterized as window dressing and unlikely ever to be implemented anyway.
This all still skirts the key issue which no one among Republican supporters of the bill wants to talk about — providing amnesty to adults who broke the law to come here and now will receive both legalization and a path to citizenship.
All the border security measures are meant to justify having Republicans ratify the amnesty, as I pointed out in my prior post, Time for Republicans to debate the central immigration issues — legalization and citizenship.
Bill O’Reilly is on board with the modified Gang of 8 bill (via Hot Air). Note the video below was uploaded to Marco Rubio’s YouTube account:
Rubio did not upload the segment where Laura Ingraham took on O’Reilly (also via Hot Air):
There will be a Tweet Up today against the Gang of 8 bill:
Schumer-Rubio foes having a Tweet Up today @ 2PM ET. Will bombard Senators w/ fact-filled #StopAmnesty tweets. See
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) June 21, 2013
Ted Cruz also has launched a petition drive against the bill.
Jeff Sessions issued a rebuttal to the recent changes and a call to action:
The link below provides Senate contact information:
Kausfiles: Keep calling! This is the moment to tell senators you oppose the Rubio bill!. Senate phone #s:
— Ann Coulter (@AnnCoulter) June 20, 2013
Then? 'We'll vote on Corker, couple amendments, cloture, and call it a day,' says Senate source. 'This thing's over.'
— Byron York (@ByronYork) June 21, 2013
As the source sees it, the Senate will vote on the still-unreleased Hoeven-Corker amendment on Monday. And then, Majority Leader Harry Reid will move for a final vote. “We’ll vote on Corker, a couple of remaining pending amendments, and then cloture on the final bill as amended by Corker, and call it a day,” says the aide. By “call it a day,” the source means the Senate will pass the bill.

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Great posting.
Linked: ‘Marco Rubio Interview With Dana Bash on CNN Yesterday’.
Agreed. God save us from these GOP Elites.
When our supposed “conservatives” are being funded by Obama supporters like Zuckerberg…that should be a sign something is seriously wrong.
“Update — is the fix in for passage?”
Was this ever in doubt? How many “fixes” against us do we need before we understand the default position of the ruling class GOP?
I’m not a political historian but I wonder if there has ever been a party hierarchy which has so regularly ignored, defied and traduced its core voting constituency and still survived.
Conservatives are to the Republican Party what blacks are to the Democrat Party – a loyal bloc of voters the party establishment takes for granted. Angelo Codevilla says that when we make up such a large part of the party who regularly get ignored and taken for granted, it won’t last much longer. He believes a third party is inevitable.
“I’m not a political historian but I wonder if there has ever been a party hierarchy which has so regularly ignored, defied and traduced its core voting constituency and still survived.”
The Whig Party managed this for about 20-25 years before finally going extinct, replaced by the Republican Party. The GOP is right on pace to repeat the process.
I tune O’Reilly in last night and had to turn it off. I’ve grown tired of his narrow minded pontification and will not return.
This bill if passed in its present form will be just another nail in the coffin of America.
I’m with Cruz on this and want sealed borders first and any form of legalization last! I want a better deal for those Americans looking for work in this dismal economy.
I want the Senate which is a cesspool of self interests to be cleaned up! Stop the pandering!!
Clueless – Top 9486 ways Obama Press Secretary Jay Carney won’t answer a question:
Bill O’Reilly, what a joke he’s turned into. I haven’t watched his show since last November.
O’Reilly is an idiot. He takes positions based on maintaining consistency with the advertising for his show: ‘fair’, balanced, ‘no-spin’, and all that nonsense. My wife calls him Paulie Pander.
The narrative on the immigration bill was obviously written by Democrats.
The proper narrative is …
if legalizing these 11 million “undocumented immigrants” is so important, so humane that applying whatever security the Republicans want is a small price to pay.
[…] Hat tip: Legal Insurrection.] […]