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Ron Wyden has rolled out a Cory Booker-like hostage statement rejecting the notion that he and Paul Ryan cooperated in developing a solution to the looming Medicare collapse.  Via Roll Call, Ron Wyden Takes Issue With Mitt Romney Linking Him to Paul Ryan: At a...

If you were to look to the masses to see what stereotypes persist about different states, analyzing the auto-completes that come up in google searches is certainly a creative way to start. The blog No Upside mapped the auto-completes for each state, with some amusing conclusions. Renee...

From reader Paula: I really enjoy your blog, I don’t write much, or comment much, but I appreciate all you do! We are vacationing in Lincoln City, Oregon, and while we were down in Newport, Oregon, today, I saw these stickers on a car with,...

Even The Boston Globe has come out against the bullying of Chick-fil-A by Boston Mayor Thomas Menino because of the position of Chick-fil-A’s President and his father (the founder) on marriage: The president of Chick-fil-A opposes gay marriage. While this view goes against the grain in...

Obama gets golf brand named after him (h/t Ragspierre in Tip Line) Greatest billboard ever? (via MikeAT in Tip Line) Some polling links from Charles: U.S. Chamber Poll: GOP’s Lingle Ahead in Hawaii Senate Race [was wondering if a chance, maybe] DCCC IE Backs John Barrow...

Will Dems manage to stall inquiries into the leak of classified information on sensitive intel operations until November 7? Of all people, Dianne Feinstein is pointing fingers at the White House, via AP: The Democratic leader of the Senate Intelligence Committee said Monday that  the...

I missed this last week as I was traveling in California.. Sarah Silverman, who goes from creating contrived outrage to contrived outrage, is a big supporter of Barack Obama and a big hater of Sheldon Adelson for funding SuperPACs aligned against Obama and Democrats. So...

Obama is refocusing his campaign on attacking the Top 5%. As documented here in great detail, that’s where Obama started during the 2008 campaign. Over time Obama narrowed the demonization to the Top 2%, then the Top 1%, then a few hundred people who might...

The Watchman does not like people who pull pranks on him. From reader Red: not a regular bumper sticker submission, but i love the latin flavor of the punctuation… and the fact that their bots haven’t figured out that it’s “You Pendejo” in my alias....

From reader Bronwyn: I saw this car at the Medical Center in Orange County, CA. I know our county leans more right than the rest of California, but with all the depressing news about our state I found this car a slight glimmer of hope....

From a reader: Took this photo on my way to work this morning — in Saratoga, California, a suburb of Silicon Valley, no less! It probably doesn’t mean California is in play, but I think it’s an indicator of Obama’s diminishing popularity here. I thought...

While it isn’t a new strategy, it seems as if the left has recently been ratcheting up its utilization of the stonewalling tactic when confronted by high profile controversy. Elizabeth Warren, who continues to show no signs of ever engaging in an honest discussion with...

Ann Althouse (via Instapundit) has a post about a mailer she received from a pro-Recall group in Wisconsin telling her which of her neighbors voted and which did not in the past several years.  Althouse’s reaction: This is an effort to shame and pressure people about voting,...

Solyndra’s LEED certified 400,000+ sq ft. facility in Fremont, California, has been for sale since mid-April. Reader Ann was driving by the building today, and just couldn’t help but snap a photo: Update:  Thanks to commenter Liberty Jane for clarifying the image:

I just want to get this straight. Everyone knew Obama supported gay marriage, but didn’t say so when campaigning for president in 2008 and 2012 for political reasons. Everyone knew the “evolving” meme was BS, Obama was just waiting for the right moment, preferably after...

I don’t think we’ve had a boycott of an entire state in a while. California was boycotted over Prop. 8, and so was Utah because it has a lot of Mormons.  There also was a Mormon boycott, a boycott of a hotel whose owner supported Prop....