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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


William F. Buckley, Jr. famously said:I am obliged to confess I should sooner live in a society governed by the first two thousand names in the Boston telephone directory than in a society governed by the two thousand faculty members of Harvard University. Reflecting on...


I guess I owe something of an apology to Huffington Post blogger Martha St. Jean who wrote yesterday about the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr.:I believe Gates did what anyone would do, he yelled at the officer, probably called him a few...

"Keep your laws off my body" has been a rallying cry of liberals, and the pro-choice movement in particular, for decades. The concept is that medical procedures are so intensely personal that government, regardless of its intent, should not be involved in the decisions.Yet when...

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"The time for talk is over." That sentence should be the new slogan of the Obama administration. Forget "Change We Can Believe In" or "Yes We Can." Those were yesterday's slogans, when Obama wanted but did not yet have power.The time for talk was over...

On the controversy regarding the arrest of Harvard Professor Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Martha St. Jean at Huffington Post writes:I believe Gates did what anyone would do, he yelled at the officer, probably called him a few names and maybe told him he was not...

The current Democratic House bill on health care includes fines to force people to purchase health insurance, which is consistent with Barack Obama's current position on mandates. This type of coercion, however, was criticized by Obama during the campaign, when he attacked Hillary Clinton's health...

Every now and then, David Brooks makes sense. Today is one of those days, in his column at the NY Times, Liberal Suicide Watch:It’s not that interesting to watch the Democrats lose touch with America. That’s because the plotline is exactly the same. The party...

If you want a good measure of how desperate Barack Obama has become to force through his health care agenda before the August recess, there is no better evidence than Obama's conference call yesterday with far left bloggers such as Crooks and Liars, Hullabaloo, and...

Harvard Scholar Henry Louis Gates, Jr. was arrested for disorderly conduct. According to news reports, police responded to a call from a neighbor that someone was trying to break into Gates' house by forcing open the door. It turns out the person trying to break...

Do we really need a Latke Czar, as suggested by Bruce Bialosky (h/t Israel Matzav):This may not affect the average American, but to Jewish Americans this is of utmost importance. Since the President has done everything possible to antagonize Jews over Israel, I thought he...

In some New York City public schools, parents can chip in together to hire teaching assistants to help out: For years, top Manhattan public schools have raised hundreds of thousands of dollars from parents to independently hire assistants to help teachers with reading, writing, tying...

As if all the problems with the Democratic health care proposals, such as increasing the federal budget deficit even assuming large new tax revenues, were not enough, now add this: The proposals will break the budget of the states as well. From the NY Times:The...

With all that is happening in the world and at home, it would be easy to forget about the drama unfolding in Honduras this weekend. Manuel Zelaya is threatening another attempt at a return to Honduras this Sunday, is taking steps to set up an...

Without any expansion of federal health benefits, the cost of Medicare and Medicaid is sinking the budget, according to this Congressional Budget Office release:Under current law, the federal budget is on an unsustainable path, because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the...

Yes, the Senate should vote Yes on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to be the next Justice of the United States Supreme Court. The main reason I reach this conclusion is that there is no compelling reason to vote no.I watched about half of Sotomayor's...

This video has been active on the internet because the head of the National Black Chamber of Commerce took offense to Barbara Boxer's condescending attitudeBut at least Boxer held her temper, even though the witness repeatedly called her "ma'am," in contrast to when Boxer chewed...