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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Things are not going so well for the administration, or the country:Under Restructuring, GM To Build More Cars OverseasWhite House on defense over legitimacy of budget cutsU.S. Banks' Not-So-Stressful TestObama To Fire His First Gay Arabic LinguistCIA Says Pelosi Was Briefed on Use of 'Enhanced...


My two posts on the televised Obama/Biden burger joint visit and Obama's request for Dijon mustard, MSNBC Hides Obama's Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate) and Thou Shall Not Mock Obama's Mustard, generated enormous reaction.Neither of these posts was about mustard as such, but rather, the absurd...

My post the other day, MSNBC Hides Obama's Dijon Mustard (aka Dijongate), has hit a nerve unlike anything else I have written.The post concerned the lunch trip of Obama and Biden to a burger shop to get a "Hell Burger." I accept that this should...

Matthew Yglesias is one of the best-known left-wing bloggers who does not hesitate to attack anyone he considers to be bigoted (under very expansive and political definitions). Yglesias blogs at Think Progress, a blog run by the Center for American Progress. Think Progress, much like...

You've been a bad boy, Arlen Specter. After all we did for you; making you Chair of the Judiciary Committee when we had the majority, and minority leader of the committee when we were in the minority. Supporting you against Pat Toomey five years ago....

I think it's time for the Blogospheric Neologian to coin a new political phrase:SpecterenfreudeThe pleasure derived from watching Arlen Specter do unto Democrats that which Specter did unto Republicans.In the course of his first week as a Democrat Specter voted against the Democratic budget, rejected...

MSNBC, Obama's favorite network, reported on Obama's trip with Joe Biden to get a burger. Just two wild and crazy guys out for some red meat. Andrea Mitchell (does she have nothing else to do?) reported that Obama ordered a burger and mustard. Sounds like...

Al-Jazeera, which has served as a continuous conduit for al-Qaeda videos, has released a hit-piece on American troops in Afghanistan.The highly edited, and ominously narrated, few minutes of tape purport to reveal a plot a year ago by a group of Christian evangelical American soldiers...

For the past several Supreme Court nominations, the hot issue has been abortion. Whether a nominee supported Roe v. Wade was the litmus test, both for conservatives and liberals. Predictably, nominees shied away from opining on whether they would vote to uphold either the outcome...

A video of Court of Appeals Judge Sonia Sotomayor, reportedly on Obama's short list to replace David Souter on the Supreme Court, has come to light (video and transcript via Volokh Conspiracy). Sotomayor stated as follows during a panel discussion at Duke Law School in...

The Ransom of Red Chief is a short story written by O. Henry in the early 1900's about a child kidnapped for ransom in a small town by two criminals. But the criminals did not know what they were getting into, as the exuberantly mischievous...

The Obama administration has been bipolar. When it comes to economic issues, Obama is in the process of attempting to fulfill the left-wing's wildest dreams of nationalized health care, government control over the most minute details of the economy, and redistribution of wealth through tax...

The guessing game as to who is on the short list of potential nominees for David Souter's spot on the Supreme Court has begun. Many of the names are understandable because of their experience and credentials, regardless of whether one would support them: Elena Kagan,...

Two lawyer stories, each one has meaning:A 59-year-old lawyer with an Atlanta-based firm who was about to lose his job because of the economy was found dead in his Washington office yesterday of an apparently self-inflicted gunshot wound, according to police. The source said [Mark]...

News is breaking that Supreme Court Justice David Souter is retiring. There will be a fight over his replacement, for sure. And Arlen Specter switching may have given Republicans a trump card to block an unacceptable replacement.Everyone, including me, has been blogging about how Specter...

I was critical of Senator Susan Collins of Maine for her support of Obama's stimulus plan. But Collins did not deserve to be charged with contributing to the possible swine flu pandemic, which is a charge leveled against her and spread throughout the internet and...

UPDATE: Alan Colmes e-mailed me to indicate he meant no offense, and said "C’mon Professor, we’re BOTH blowhards." Well, that may be going a bit too far, but thanks for the note. I take back what all those people said about him.----------------------------------------------------I am...