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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Finally, Harry Reid has released his health care restructuring bill. It is a whopping 2,074 pages.And it will save money, is his spin. The CBO report is not yet posted on its website and has not been released by Reid, so it may not be...


From Politico:With the president’s year-end deadline for health care reform looming, congressional Democrats know they’ll almost certainly have to short-circuit the legislative process to get the bill done. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The Newsweek cover of Sarah Palin in fitness clothing is becoming the teachable moment of the year. Because liberal women are beginning -- just beginning -- to acknowledge that liberals of both genders are so driven by hatred of Sarah Palin that their worst instincts...

TBogg, who blogs at Firedoglake, doesn't want to miss an excuse to take a dig at Trig Palin, Sarah Palin's son who was born with Down Syndrome. The excuse this time is the Newsweek cover showing what even Media Matters calls a sexist portrayal of...

Whey do I have the feeling that this is Obama's "Mission Accomplished" moment? Stay tuned. -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

As anyone who reads this blog knows, I am not a fan of Media Matters. All too often, Media Matters spends way too much time staring at videos of the latest O'Reilly show or speech by a Republican politician, or listening to every syllable uttered...

Any day (minute, hour?) Harry Reid will release his health care restructuring plan. If reports are true, Reid plans to start debate as soon as he can get the necessary votes, and have the Senate work Saturdays until Reid gets his up or down vote...

The Huffington Post has removed the impostor who was using "Legal Insurrection" to post comments at HuffPo, as detailed in my prior post, Why Is Someone Impersonating Me?People impersonating others is a real problem on the internet, and should give caution to anyone who relies...

Because Death and Nude Swiss Hikers didn't work so well: -------------------------------------------- Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

At least Andrew Sullivan is honest that the main purpose of a civilian trial for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is not obtaining a conviction of KSM. A conviction could be obtained more efficiently and just as fairly in a military tribunal.As I posted earlier, the purpose...

See Update below-------------------------------------------Politico is one of the class acts in internet news to which I link frequently, and Ben Smith is a justifiably respected commentator at Politico.Which is why it pains me to have to point out that yesterday Smith unfairly smeared Robert Stacy McCain...

There is almost unanimous applause in the left-wing blogosphere and mainstream media editorial boards for Obama's decision to put Khalid Sheikh Mohammed on trial in a civilian court. The decision is being hailed as a courageous act to restore the rule of law. In fact,...

As we are led to believe that negotiations are underway to convince Iran to give up its uranium enrichment program, comes this disclosure by The Times of London that the International Atomic Energy Agency has been double-dealing:United Nations and Iranian officials have been secretly negotiating...

Andrew Sullivan is "Live Blogging" Oprah's interview of Sarah Palin (screen shot below). Probably waiting for the question as to who is Trig's real mother. Do we really need to "fact check this notion that losing vice-presidential candidates get to speak on election night"? That...

"The fierce urgency of now." One of Barack Obama's favorite lines. But used only when convenient.As in, "we need to pass the stimulus bill immediately, or there will be a financial disaster. Forget reading the bill, just pass it so I can sign it immediately...

The Bow controversy will not stop. Jake Tapper at his blog has some comments by an expert on Japanese cultural norms arguing that Obama's close inspection of the Emperor's shoes was neither protocol nor culturally appropriate: "The bow as he performed did not just display weakness...

Anyone who questions the wisdom of bringing non-civilian Khalid Sheikh Mohammed to trial in a civilian court stands accused of reducing 9/11 to kitschy memory, or something like that:In the years since, “9/11” has turned into a shorthand for patriotic kitsch for the Wingnutteria, and...