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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Barack Obama is on his apology tour of Europe. There is hardly anyone to whom he hasn't apologized for American arrogance and mistakes. One thing Obama hasn't managed to do is ask the Europeans to apologize to us for:Two World Wars which resulted in the...


President Barack Obama bowed down on bended knee when meeting the King of Saudi Arabia at the G-20 Summit recently. The incident is on video and was widely reported except in the U.S. mainstream media. The White House spin machine has been eerily silent on...

George Bisharat is a law professor at the University of California*, Hastings College of Law. His is the son of a Palestinian father who immigrated to the U.S. several years before the creation of Israel, and an American mother. I first learned of George Bisharat when...

The left-wing group Think Progress is complaining of Conservatives Holding Up Increasing Number Of Key Obama Nominees. According to the post:Conservatives in Congress and in the media are attempting to block or delay a growing number of critical nominees for what amount to ideological witch...

A bill pending in Congress, The Cybersecurity Act of 2009, sponsored by John Rockefeller (D) and Olympia Snowe (R) attempts to deal with very real threats to the nation's cyber-infrastructure. Attacks on military, government and civilian cyber-infrastructure are all too real, and it is time...

As predicted on this Blog several months ago, the indictment of former Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich has been handed down, and it includes a sweeping RICO charge alleging that Blagojevich and others conducted a criminal enterprise, which the indictment calls the Blagojevich Enterprise. That enterprise...

Controversy is swirling around the appointment of Yale Law School Professor and Dean Harold Koh to the position of State Department Legal Advisor, essentially the top lawyer at State. Koh is being portrayed as willing to apply Sharia law in some circumstances, as is happening...

Gateway Pundit, Hot Air, Jammie Wearing Fool, and others are reporting that the Obamas gave the Queen of England an iPod as a present. Putting aside the tacky nature of such a gift in this context, one point that has been overlooked is that iPods...

Update 4-28-2009: Murphy declared the winner of the race by a couple hundred votes, as a result of doing better on absentee ballots than expected.----------------------------------------------------The Politico is characterizing the virtual tie between Jim Tedesco (R) and Scott Murphy (D) as a loss for Republicans....

My favorite April Fools' day headlines from around the globe:Obama confesses to treason and resigns, co-conspirators are in custody, Hillary Clinton sworn in as presidentTwitter switch for Guardian, after 188 years of inkMicrosoft releases Vista patch to improve battery lifeDog poo biofuel to power...

News is just breaking that Attorney General Eric Holder is withdrawing the indictment of former Alaska Senator Ted Stevens based on severe prosecutorial misconduct. The Politico reports, via NPR, that Holder will instruct deputies to withdraw the indictment against the Alaska Republican today, effectively voiding...

"J Street" is a new web-based group which promises to promote "peace" in the Middle East. J Street has garnered much attention, and a Memeorandum thread, based on an article in Jewish Week which asks "What is [it] about J Street, the pro-peace process lobby...

Ann Althouse is marrying one of the commenters on her blog. But she vehemently denies that her blog serves as one big dating service, not that there would be anything wrong with that.So what does the Blogospheric Neologian call this?Blogcest--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Andrew Breitbart's post, Online activists on the right, unite!, has called attention to a problem almost every conservative blogger experiences: Trolls who plant inflammatory comments to make the blog appear racist or sexist or some other "ist" or who post such long comments that they...

The difficulties facing The New York Times are well documented. Falling circulation, revenues and credibility; rising costs, incredulity, and debt. But it looks like the Times has hit upon a strategy for survival: DEATH.The death strategy has not been announced, but is evident on the...

During the primary campaign against Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama attempted to prove intentions to keep us safe by insisting that he, unlike the Bush administration, would send troops into Pakistan without Pakistani approval:In a strikingly bold speech about terrorism Wednesday, Democratic presidential candidate Illinois Sen....

The Washington Post story, titled “Detainee's Harsh Treatment Foiled No Plots,” about how the interrogation of Abu Zubaida did not prevent a single terrorist attack, is old news. The story ran this morning, which is like so last century in the blogosphere. But the Post...