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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


On Saturday morning, Barack Obama gave a rip-roarin' speech lashing out at the insurance industry.Obama finally found his mark, a villain he could love to hate. After months of corporate lobbyist wheeler-dealering, in which Obama's minions squeezed advertising dollars out of Big Pharma and others,...


I'm starting a new theme, the Saturday Night Card Game, to highlight the use of the race card as a political tool. Those on the left, lacking meritorious arguments, increasingly turn to false accusations of racism as a way of ending an argument they are...

On January 31, 2009, I wrote that Turkey Looking Like The Next Iran: My prediction: Turkey is the next Iran, unless Obama stops blaming the U.S. for Islamist aggression and gives support to Turkey's secular institutions, including the Turkish army. Jimmy Carter tried the blame...

The Stimulus Plan is the key to Barack Obama's claim that he has helped create and save jobs. But it is all a word game, as indicated by this report released by the State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations (the state's official name), stating...

Barack Obama is on another "it's all Bush's fault" tear again. This time, using the tired campaign theme of cleaning up Bush's mess:Another way of putting it is when, you know, I'm busy and Nancy busy with our mop cleaning up somebody else’s mess –-...

I never really understood Technorati. That may sound foolish, but when everyone would write about how essential it was to be properly linked or whatever to Technorati, how many people use Technorati to find blogs, etc., I really didn't follow the advice. I tried using...

Politico has an article today on a secret arrangement struck last April among corporate lobbyists, the Obama administration, and Senator Max Baucus, exchanging favorable treatment for corporate interests for advertising dollars in support of Democratic health care reform:At a meeting last April with corporate lobbyists,...

You knew this had to happen. A popular left-wing blog, Jack and Jill Politics, has a photo of Rush Limbaugh as Hitler with blood dripping from his mouth, and "KKK" lettering."The Real Face of the RepubliKKKan Party"The genius posting this garbage was the author of...

Ta-Nehisi Coates is not one of the flame throwers on the left. While I don't agree with him on many policy issues, I have found him to be one of the more reasonable left-wing bloggers. But even Coates got caught up in the fabrications spread...

Driving political rivals from office or appointed positions has a long tradition. Indeed, that is what politics is all about.Taking that fight into the private realm, whether someone's private employment or private associations, however, is a tactic we are seeing with increasing frequency from the...

The new topic of the week is the ugly campaign by CNN's Rick Sanchez, the head of the NFL players union, a variety of loony left-wing blogs, Al Sharpton, and the George Soros crowd, to prevent Rush Limbaugh from being part of a group purchasing...

The TaxProf has come out with his quarterly rankings of blogs run by law professors based on annual traffic (so it's an annual ranking updated quarterly), and I'm eligible for the first time since this blog is just 1 year old. I'm pleased to debut...

Proving the "six degress of separation" thing, the left-wing blogosphere is having the type of hissy fit they usually attribute to the right-wing blogosphere. All because an NBC reporter, John Harwood, made this comment about the gay-rights protesters in Washington who are objecting to Barack...

Why am I still writing about the foolishness of the Nobel Peace Prize being given to Barack Obama? Maybe it's because there still are people writing strained justifications for what everyone knows to be unjustifiable.Now this from John Nichols at The Nation: Obama deserved and...

There is one supreme Democratic idiocy in the health care debate which has not received enough attention. The entire focus of the Democratic proposals -- whether HR3200, the Senate HELP Committee bill, the Baucus Concepts, or the Obama non-plan -- is to increase the cost...

From the Preface to the 1852 Edition of Charles MacKay's Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds (caps in original):IN READING THE HISTORY OF NATIONS, we find that, like individuals, they have their whims and their peculiarities; their seasons of excitement and...