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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


There are many reasons for Doug Hoffman losing by four points.Yes, Hoffman was unknown just a month ago. Yes, Dede Scozzafava and the Watertown Daily Times scared people that Hoffman would not bring home the federal pork. Yes, union backing helped Bill Owens organizationally. Yes,...


News Flash -- Republican Bob McDonnell has been projected the winner of the Virginia Governor's race. Proving that even a small, unpopular, fringe party which does not appeal to moderates or independents, can win over a large, popular, mainstream party.The secret? More votes. Particularly from moderates and independents:.The...

This screen shot says it all. From Crooks and Liars, the faces of the progressive movement revealed with an irony completely lost on the author of that post: Please keep Grayson in the spotlight, at least throught the 2010 elections. We can't do it without you. -------------------------------------------- Related...

If Republicans had done this, you would hear screams across the mainstream media and left-wing blogosphere loud enough to wake Larry King. Racial disparity: All active ethics probes focus on black lawmakers:The House ethics committee is currently investigating seven African-American lawmakers — more than 15...

Rich Lowry has a good piece on Obama's decision to skip ceremonies and celebrations commemorating the fall of the Berlin Wall:Obama famously made a speech in Berlin during last year's campaign, but at an event devoted to celebrating himself as the apotheosis of world hopefulness....

Regarding Obama administration policy towards Hamid Karzai, the President of Afghanistan, it is reported: Obama administration officials are saying they'll judge Karzai on his appointments ...

Here's what they really think of voters:But I think, in many ways, it might be the same mood that elected Obama. Remember: most ordinary schmucks aren't politics junkies. They're not ideologically consistent. They were hurting a year ago and a vote for Barack Obama was...

This is my obligatory "Dede Scozzafava endorses Bill Owens" post. With a twist.Not sure what this all means two days before the election, except that it is clear that Dede belongs to the John Murtha party of pork-barrel politics.Scozafava's endorsement of Democrat Owens certainly was...

Scaaary Doug Hoffman is driving left-wing bloggers and columnists insane. Hoffman and his supporters now are the object of anti-Palin-like fury and mania from the left. The objective of the attacks is to marginalize and mock Hoffman and his supporters, much as the media tagged...

Another day, another story in a British newspaper about the profound faults in the British National Health Service. This time, the government bureaucracy is silencing whistleblowers:NHS whistleblowers are routinely gagged in order to cover up dangerous and even dishonest practices that could attract bad publicity...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:The Southern Poverty Law Center once served a vital role in shutting down Klan groups and dangerous white supremacist groups. Morris Dees endured death threats and was a heroic...

Dede Scazzafava's decision to drop out of the NY-23 race has evoked a round of name-calling and fear-mongering from the left-wing blogosphere not seen since ...

There is a political earthquake breaking in the NY-23 race. Republican insider Dede Scazzafava has quit the race, as reported first by Robert Stacey McCain, who is on the scene in upstate NY. HotAir is collecting the sources and information.This will pit Conservative Doug Hoffman...

President Obama made a trip to Dover Air Force Base to be present when the coffins of troops and DEA agents were returned from Afghanistan.I have no problem with it.One thing I've learned in life is that everyone mourns in his or her own way.I...

The Obama administration finally got its first foreign policy victory, in Honduras. But it appears to be merely symbolic, with Chicago-style bullying still going on in the background to force Honduras to allow Manuel Zelaya back into power.The government of Honduras has agreed -- subject...

The Congressional Budget Office has released its "scoring" of the House health care restructuring bill. The CBO is required to score bills the way they are drafted, even if the assumptions in the legislation are unrealistic or politically unlikely to be fully implemented. Accordingly, the...