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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Rhode Island is the new Arizona. No, actually, Arizona is the new Rhode Island.Despite the failure of the Rhode Island legislature to pass an Arizona-like immigration bill, Rhode Island already has implemented the critical piece of the Arizona law, checking the immigration status of people...


Danger:"Drowning victims are probably the most dangerous to try to rescue. In a panic, drowning victims are likely to claw at rescuers and climb to the surface at all costs."Danger:"The Democratic Party is moving faster and more aggressively than in previous election years to dig...

Harry Reid's campaign took down its spoofing and phishing fake Sharron Angle website, after the Angle campaign threatened legal action.Contrary to the spin put out by the Reid campaign and its sympathizers, the threatened legal action was not just because the Reid campaign merely quoted...

Here is a copy of the Complaint just filed by the United States against Arizona seeking to invalidate S.B 1070, the Arizona immigration bill. Copies also of the Civil Cover Sheet, Summons to the the State of Arizona, and Summons to Gov. Jan Brewer.The U.S....

Warren, Rhode Island, has new sidewalks from the center of town down Rte 103 to the Massachusetts border, almost two miles away.  Thanks to the Stimulus Plan.I have driven that road hundreds of times, and also have cycled the route many times.I never noticed any particular...

While on a walk in the neighborhood this weekend, I saw this banner in honor of a father who just returned from Iraq: "Welcome Home Daddy, We Missed You."--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

A few days ago, Sharron Angle launched a new format to her website, giving the campaign a more professional looking web portal.Harry Reid's campaign, however, took the code from the prior Angle website and launched a website called "" The fake website was what, in...

Rasmussen released earlier today another health care poll, finding that by almost 2-to-1 margins, Americans support repeal of ObamaCare: Sixty percent (60%) of voters nationwide favor repeal of the recently passed health care law, including 49% who Strongly Favor repeal. A new Rasmussen Reports national...

In a profile of Paul Teller, Executive Director of the Republican Study Committee, Mary Ann Akers writes:He's the bomb thrower in the shadows for more than 100 RSC members, whose purist conservative mission often poses a challenge for the more pragmatic House Republican leadership. Where...

The Democratic National Committee issued the following statement regarding Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele's comments that Afghanistan was a war of Obama's "choosing" and that history shows that land wars cannot be won in Afghanistan (emphasis mine):Here goes Michael Steele setting policy for the...

Paul Krugman reserved July 4 for what must be a deliberate deception, Punishing the Jobless, on the issue of extending unemployment benefits, which recently failed to pass the Senate.Krugman blames Republicans, whom he terms "heartless":By the heartless, I mean Republicans who have made the cynical...

Duh:Conservatives Are More Than Twice as Likely as Liberals to Be Strongly Patriotic, Says Gallup Poll: "Conservatives are more than twice as likely as liberals to express very strong patriotism, according to a new USA Today/Gallup poll in which 48 percent of conservatives said they...

I almost forgot that today is the anniversary of another liberation, the Israeli commando raid to free hostages of PLO terrorists in Entebbe, Uganda. Thanks to @KurtSchlichter for the reminder.The leader of the commandos, and the only Israeli killed during the raid, was Yonatan Netanyahu,...

Ronald Reagan's final speech as President, sometimes known as the "Shining City Upon A Hill" speech. But the speech was so much more. Incredible foresight on the eradication of the American memory (at 2:50), coming true before our very eyes. -------------------------------------------- Related Posts: Now "Presidential Scholars" Befool Themselves Reagan on...

After the Rolling Stone article which brought down Gen. Stanley McChrystal, various forms of media were patting themselves on the back at the genius of the Rolling Stone reporter.But it was a mistake.The Rolling Stone article was not reporting, it was the worst of the...

... Other suggestions?[youtube=][youtube=][youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:I was going to take tonight off, since tomorrow is Independence Day. But then I saw this column at Newsweek online, Your Dog Isn’t Racist, on the pressing issue...