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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


McClatchy reporter William Douglas was instrumental in spreading the claim that protesters at the Capitol shouted racial epithets at Congressmen.As Jack Cashill at American Thinker documents, Douglas either was a speed writer of epic proportions, or Douglas pre-wrote much of the article in advance. You...


"The fiercely pro-Israeli Italian Premier Silvio Berlusconi was among the guests at the controversy-filled Arab League summit in Libya with the supposed aim of forming a unified strategy against Tel Aviv's illegal settlement plans in Palestinian territories.At one point, according to reports, Berlusconi, whose country...

Keep moving, nothing to see here: Now Mr Obama is expected to rule out the development of new weapons systems — despite reservations from the military, which is mindful that Russia and China are modernising and expanding their nuclear forces respectively. He will also drop...

Thanks to a reader for calling my attention to the ongoing spasms of vindictiveness in the U.S. policy towards Honduras.As noted in numerous posts here, the U.S. tried to force the return to power of Chavista and wannabe President-for-Life Manuel Zelaya. Only through the...

The reaction to Obama's announcement that he is opening up some offshore areas to drilling is laughable. There will be no drilling anytime soon, and the plan closes more areas to drilling than it opens.This likely is Obama's attempt to tack to the center as...

Oh, how the columnists at the NY Times and the left-wing blogs desperately want a militia threat with which to beat law-abiding citizens over the head in the name of Obamamania.Sorry to disappoint Count Frankula and the other fear-mongers and race-card players, once again (h/t...

The malicious campaign run by the coalition of leftist academics, internationalists and Islamists against Israel continues unabated.We know that in the U.S. and elsewhere, speeches by current or former Israeli officials are disrupted, and there have been organized boycotts of Israeli academics.Now they even are...

I previously posted about Jamie Gorelick's hiring as a lobbyist for Sallie Mae, the student loan agency. After the debacles she created by raising the wall between law enforcement and the intelligence services, and at Fannie Mae, I thought she was doing quite well for... Israellycool, which posts the following challenge: "See if you can spot when a palestinian state existed."--------------------------------------------Related Posts:What If Palestinians Were Settlers?Law Professor Continues His Personal IntifadaFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

The claim by the Joint Committee on Taxation that the health care mandate penalty was not enforceable by the IRS made a lot of news, but that claim made no sense to me.The Senate bill (at p. 336) says that the health care mandate penalty...

Here is how Tucker Carlson described the purpose behind the Daily Caller (emphasis mine):Tucker Carlson announced plans to launch, a conservative-leaning news site that will aim to be an answer to the Huffington Post...

The anti-Zionist fringe nut who threatened to kill Eric Cantor was an Obama supporter and campaign contributor.You know exactly what I mean when I say, "Can you imagine if Norman Leboon threatened to kill Obama and Leboon were a McCain or Tea Party contributor?"We would...

The FBI has indicted Norman LeBoon Sr. of Philadelphia on charges of threatening Congressman Eric Cantor. LeBoon appears to be motivated by anti-Israeli sentiment, and a general paranoia reflected in anti-government rants.Here is a video "Norman LeBoon Sr" made attacking Israel's conduct in Gaza:Israel Starving...

If Repeal were a candidate, she would win in a landslide (emphasis mine):One week after the House of Representatives passed the health care plan proposed by President Obama and congressional Democrats, 54% of the nation's likely voters still favor repealing the new law. The latest...

Never change:For not just one alone has risen against us to destroy us, but in every generation they rise against us to destroy us; and the Holy One, blessed be He, saves us from their hand!--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

Don't ever say this was unexpected:So Obama is flirting with a future budget crisis. Moody's emphasizes two warning signs: rising debt and loss of confidence that government will deal with it. Obama fulfills both. The parallels with the recent financial crisis are striking. Bankers and...