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"If we still cannot connect the dots on al-Qaeda bomb plots, why are we having the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other 9/11 plotters in densely populated downtown Manhattan?"--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Scalia Was Right About Releasing Gitmo DetaineesSchumer Right Before He Was WrongKSM Trial is Another...


There is a push to get PPP, Rasmussen, or some other organization to do a poll of the special election in Massachusetts. At first glance, this seemed like a good idea. But on second glance, this comment at National Review makes sense:The last thing we...

Headline yesterday: Yemen’s Chaos Aids the Evolution of a Qaeda CellHeadline this morning: US, UK close Yemen embassies over al-Qaida threatsHeadline this morning: Brennan: Some Guantanamo detainees will go to YemenHeadline six months from now when another detainee released to Yemen tries to blow up...

As we near the January 19 special election in Massachusetts, we can expect an increasing flurry of endorsements. While it is no surprise that John McCain today endorsed Scott Brown, the reasoning set forth in McCain's video announcement is compelling:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and...

Martha Coakley refuses to debate Scott Brown one-on-one. Coakley is the front-runner with better name recognition, so she has much to lose from debating Brown one-on-one. But Coakley has even more to lose from not having the courage to take on Brown.Put together with negative...

Unlike the plurality of Democrats who as recently as 2007 believed George W. Bush knew of the 9/11 attacks in advance, there is no traction among conservatives for the theory that Barack Obama or his administration had actual knowledge of the Undie-bomber plot beforehand.But the...

This is the latest in the Saturday Night Card Game series on the use of the race card for political gain:Tonight a slight twist on the use of the race card.Two people, one white and one black, ran a test of HP face tracking software,...

My, how the tables have turned.It used to be that the Obama administration gave Iran deadlines on reaching agreement on nuclear fuel reprocessing. The most recent deadline was December 31.None of those deadlines meant anything, as the Iranians figured out long ago.That's the problem with...

Martha Coakley just returned from six days on vacation in the middle of a special election. Ever since the December 8 primary, Coakley has attempted to portray an air of inevitability, by seeming not to care about Scott Brown's candidacy, refusing to debate him one-on-one,...

As I posted earlier, the key elements in "green" technology are rare metals mined mostly in China. The green economy envisioned by the Obama administration as the means by which we will grow "green jobs" and lessen our dependence on foreign oil in fact simply...

Despite the worst wishes of some, and helped along by the good wishes and prayers of tens of millions, we now can shout "You Live!"[youtube=](h/t Gateway Pundit)--------------------------------------------Related Posts:They Shouted "You Die!"Thanks for the Old and New YearsFollow me on Twitter and Facebook...

As a follow up to my post the other day, Martha Coakley's Secret Bank Account, here is a good description of how Coakley maneuvered around campaign finance laws, as reported in Boston Magazine:A candidate can't use state funds for a federal campaign, but that's exactly...

Martha Coakley's campaign is touting the fact that it has raised $5.2 million so far, almost four times as much as Scott Brown, including $1 million in the past six weeks (compared to $700k for Brown).Coakley, however, spent heavily in the primary, and started the...

This will be my last post of the year, barring some high-profile conservative taking ill and being rushed to the hospital in which Barack Obama was not born just before he was born in that other hospital in the state where Rush Limbaugh is resting...

As you get ready to go out tonight, to settle down at home for the evening, or whatever you are doing to ring in the New Year, remember that the next 30 days may decide the fate of this country's health care system and financial...

I'm generally staying away from "Best" and "Worst" posts, despite the gravitational pull on this date, but this one really, really needs to be remembered:(h/t Donald Douglas for the screen shot)Update: Throw A Snowball At Washington--------------------------------------------Related Posts:About That "Firecracker"Not So Scary Terror?Terrorist Attacks Plane, Think...

This is my obligatory post regarding left-wing reaction to Rush Limbaugh being rushed to the hospital late last night in Hawaii (U.S. mainland time), and initial reports that he was in serious condition.By the time we woke this morning, the word was that Rush had...