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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


The award for the "Least Likely to be True Headline" goes to William Saletan at, Pelosi's Triumph:  Democrats didn't lose the battle of 2010. They won it.But least likely does not mean wrong.How could Democrats have won the battle of 2010.  Didn't we just crush...


If Alan Grayson and Al Franken could do it, why not Keith?  Now that he is suspended indefinitely without pay by MSNBC for failing to disclose his campaign contributions to Democrats, Olbermann can become part of the team, instead of just watching from the bleachers.What other...

Spotted by a reader in Raleigh, NC, last week:Update:  CAT FIGHT -  A reader writes:"I thought I'd refudiate that awful bumper sticker you currently have on your blog. Below is a picture of our beloved cat whose full name was George W. Bush Leader of...

Once again I have a seemingly unsolvable dilemma.  If "the enemy of my enemy is my friend," which one of these guys has to be my friend?Via Breitbart TV:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Greenwald Agonistes Hey Progressives, Are You Motivated Yet?The Left Brought The Wave Down On Itself Follow...

It's a good thing Israel eased the blockade of Gaza a few months ago, otherwise it might not have been able to take out Palestinian al-Qaeda operative Mohamed al-Nemnem, who died on November 3 when his car mysteriously exploded in Gaza, with him in it:The Israeli...

After Prof. Jacobson's introduction, I certainly hope you will find me a suitable addition to Legal Insurrection!It would be wrong of me to ignore the biggest news of the political year in my first post, and I'm sure nobody here will mind being reminded of...

Who knew that the gavel carried by Nancy Pelosi on her way to the Obamacare vote actually was a boomerang?And when it came back to hit them last Tuesday, it wiped those smiles right off their faces.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Yeah, They Lied (x 10) Pelosi Surrounds Herself With...

As I've discussed with readers many times in the past, I frequently think about the direction in which to take this blog.  For the most part reader feedback has been "if it ain't broke, don't fix it," and I've taken that feedback to heart. No flashing lights here. ...

Good Bear:Bad Bear:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Need I say more to Barney Frank than Margery Egan says today in The Boston Herald:After 30 years, Barney Frank finally lost my vote.On election night, he lost my respect as well.Frank’s road rage acceptance speech was an out-of-body experience.There was the congressional king of...

...I understand that you think I don't understand what the people said yesterday, but please understand that the people didn't understand what I have been saying for two years, which is understandable because it's hard to understand things when you're scared and confused, capiche?--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Obama's Gulf Speech...

Unlike the rest of the country, my home State of Rhode Island stayed blue, with both congressional seats going to Democrats.Or should I say, my home State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations stayed blue.As my readers know, there was a referendum on the ballot yesterday...

...Update 11-04-2010:  The Gail Collins gets the point:O.K., you poor little Democrats. Stop sobbing. Lift up your little liberal heads and shout. There’s gonna be. ... Umm. Harry Reid! There’s gonna be more Harry Reid! --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

Welcome to our Live Event, which will run all day and night until results come in from the West Coast.As results and local stories roll in, feel free to post the information.  The benefit of this feed is that by tonight we will be an...