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The Creepshow which has become Palin Derangement Syndrome is so enthralling to watch.The Black Bracelet crowd cannot figure out if Palin is Anatoly Karpov or some strange combination of Raymond Shaw and Barbi Benton.Act I, Palin as Chess Grandmaster (h/t HotAir), via HuffPo blogger Joan...


The Gail Collins has a column today in which she reviews the sordid history of corruption in New York and Illinois (with shout outs to some other states), and concludes that Illinois wins the most-corrupt state race.But TGC forgot to connect the dots: Everyone...

I'm not going to wade into the minutiae of Leon Wieseltier's article at The New Republic as to whether Andrew Sullivan is anti-Semitic because of Sullivan's anti-Israel tirades.I agree with James Joyner that the terms "anti-Semitic" along with "racist" and "homophobe" are so overused as...

Eric Robinson, author of the Black Bracelet hit piece on Sarah Palin, has written a response to the criticism (emphasis mine):Author's Note: In my column in the News Wednesday, I criticized former Alaska governor Sarah Palin for wearing a black memorial bracelet with her son’s...

I thank Yale Graduate School student Eric Robinson for his service to the country in Iraq and Afghanistan.But Robinson's hit piece on Sarah Palin, Palin’s bigger blunder, leads me to believe Robinson has succumbed to the New Haven funny water, either that, or he is...

One only can imagine what she knows.The most disturbing part of it all is that Sarah Palin could have been Vice President. Update: An Edwards spokeperson is denying the story. But of course, Edwards has denied everything all along, until almost the very end....

TPM ran a story yesterday, based on Sarah Palin's interview with Chris Wallace on Sunday, claiming that Palin had come out in favor of Obama bombing Iran to improve Obama's political standing. The TPM headline was Palin Advocates War With Iran After Apparently Misunderstanding Buchanan...

It's not good when a political spouse has to jump to the rescue. It makes the politician look weak.Michelle Obama's interview in which she complains about the treatment of her husband certainly is not a first in political history, but this statement really baffled me...

Clark Hoyt, "The Public Editor" at The NY Times, apparently doesn't know when he is being used.Or at least Hoyt didn't know it when he reacted to a complaint from the Electronic Intifada website that Ethan Bronner, The Times' Jerusalem bureau Chief (an American) had...

Nate Silver, January 5, 2010, Wicked Awesome Thoughts on Massachusetts Special Election: Rasmussen is supposed to have a poll out tomorrow (Tuesday) on the Massachusetts Senate Special Election, which will take place on the 19th. There's been some speculation, mostly from Republican blogs but also...

Barack Obama was steadfast during the campaign and after his election in his willingness to enter into negotiations with Iran without preconditions.But Obama is not willing to enter into health care negotiations with Republicans without preconditions.In inviting Republicans to the negotiating table for the first...

Writing-on-hand-gate reminds me of one of the reasons Sarah Palin was put on this earth: To bring out and expose the worst misogynistic impulses in the hard core of the Democratic base.I'm not talking about criticism or mockery of the handwritten notes. That's fair game....

I will not react in haste. I will wait until TOTUS passes judgment, and tells us how to react.Oh TOTUS, wherefore art thou TOTUS when we need you most?Please call it "The People's Teleprompter" or something like that.And make them go away so I don't...

At one level, Obama and his supporters have played the "Birther" issue brilliantly. By refusing to release his birth certificate and by equating a demand that Obama release his birth certificate with being a racist, Obama has created the single most toxic charge that can...

Why is Obama calling the 2-3 foot snowfall in Washington, D.C. "Snowmaggeden"?In keeping with one of Obama's favorite lines repeated in his speeches, Obama should be saying:"This is the worst snowfall since the Great Depression." --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter and Facebook...

This is the latest in the Saturday Night Card Game series on the use of the race card for political gain:Max Blumenthal at declared James O'Keefe to have a "race problem," which are just code words for being a racist.Blumenthal's story was based on...

As readers of this blog already know, I am cursed with two of the looniest Congressmen in existence, Patrick Kennedy in my home state of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations, and Maurice Hinchey in Ithaca, NY, where I live during the academic year.In the wake...