I haven’t pestered you with that many requests to support a congressional candidate. So indulge me one more time, and help me support Richard Hanna, who is running in NY-24 in central upstate New York against incumbent Democrat Michael Arcuri.
The seat had been Republican for 60 years until Arcuri won in 2006, and Arcuri defeated Hanna by only 2% in 2008. This is one of those races where you can make a difference.
I had the pleasure of meeting Hanna last Friday at a Tompkins County, NY, Republican annual dinner, at which I was the keynote speaker. (One reaction to my speech is here.)
Hanna also gave an inspiring speech. I really wish I had a video of it, because you would love it. Hanna spoke about his background creating a construction company from nothing and in the process creating 450 jobs in a region which is sorely lacking in jobs.
While I don’t have a video of Hanna’s speech, this campaign video captures some of the message:
Arcuri is a standard issue Democrat who has toed the party line on most issues. Arcuri voted in favor of the Stimulus Plan. Arcuri voted against cap-and-trade but only because New York State did not received enough credits, not because of opposition to the concept.
Arcuri, a so-called Blue Dog, has been trying to reposition himself as a moderate. He voted 97% of the time with Democrats in the 110th Congress, but that percentage dropped to 90% in the 111th Congress.
But Arcuri is no moderate, just a savvy political player who has recognized the rising tide.
Arcuri voted in favor of the original and more radical House health care bill, then changed his tune when the House was forced to vote on the Senate version. Arcuri held out committing to a “no” vote until almost the very end, when Pelosi gave permission to a number of Democrats (but not enough to defeat the bill) to vote “no” to cover their rear ends.
The real Arcuri is the guy who took to the floor of the House to give a rip-roaring speech against the surge in Iraq, in which he objected to use of the word “victory” and invoked almost every Democratic Party talking point:
Arcuri also engages in standard issue Democratic demagoguery on expanded oil drilling (which he is against):
This is one of those winnable races. Arcuri has been running a lot of blatantly false negative ads attacking Hanna, and Hanna has fought back.
But Hanna needs our help.
I just donated, so please help as well. I promise never to ask for any more favors (heh).
Donate here.
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Thanks for posting this about Richard Hanna. I am a NY 24 voter and know a little too much about how Arcuri games the system for the "benefit" of voters back home. Richard Hanna is a great candidate and one I am happy to support!
Hanna is a great candidate and NY-24 could use a businessman instead of a political hack. Thanks for posting!
From my hometown in NY-19 comes another very winnable Congressional seat. (R) Dr. Nan Hayworth, an ophthalmologist is challenging (D) John Hall's 4 years in office.
John Hall is also deploying the Dem's 'standard issue' smear tactics against Dr. Hayworth.
Glad to contribute Mr. Jacobson! Just started reading your blog (from Boortz or Coulter, I guess) and really enjoy your take on things!
Thanks again from Atlanta, GA.
tell Hanna and other Republicans to accept Paypal.
I don't have time to open my wallet, and I'm not inclined to give my c.c. number to all these one-time sites.
Paypal has my card info and it's quick and easy to donate.
I've supported other Republicans who have Paypal.
Just a helpful tip.
Thanks for letting us know about Richard Hanna. Before this year I never gave to any political campaign. Although I'm in California and a long way away from this race, I believe that this year is too important to sit out any of these races, so I'm donating. We can take back our country.
While you are busy endorsing candidates, perhaps you could consider Joe DioGuardi for NY Senate. He is up against a very well funded and not particularly liked Kirsten Gillibrand…..Just a thought!
I was about to contribute, but then I found this on Hanna’s site:
“I’m concerned that if we don’t stop producing budgets with trillion dollar deficits and start paying down the national debt, then we’re putting the future of the Social Security Trust Fund in jeopardy….
“Social Security benefits must be protected along with not raising the retirement age or increases taxes. All of these approaches, in additional to any privatization of Social Security, threatens the program’s solvency. We cannot trust Social Security – and our seniors’ future – to the unpredictability of Wall Street.”
Two deal breakers here: 1) He wants to protect a “trust fund” that has no funds; the SS trust fund is nothing but a stack of IOUs payable to the U.S. Treasury. 2) He demonizes private markets as “unpredictable,” in favor of a government transfer program. But Medicare and Social Security are left on their present course, they will — quite predictably — bankrupt the country. So much for the virtue of “predictability.”
Isn't it time we stopped electing politicians who lie to seniors about these runious entitlement programs? Hanna doesn't have the intellectual honesty to tell the truth. He gets zero support from me.
Photog, care to share link? You know, for context and veracity.