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From Kurt Schlichter, “thanks, suckers”: Young Obama Supporters Get Straight Talk from Conservative California Lawyer Tin Soldiers coming: Kent State Says “Aloha” to $17,000 for Hawaiian Sex Week Hey Tin Soldiers, don’t lean forward: Gay Sex Pundit’s $24K Lecture on Fisting and Fetishes [Pro tip:...

Meghan McCain says her Arizona senator dad is “depressed” and “frustrated” with the tea party faction of the Republican Party, which she called “the hyper-conservative wing.” The comments were part of Meghan’s promo for her new show, which no one will watch, Raising McCain. As...

With both houses of Congress passing the budget deal, and the Tea Party being smeared by both parties, I wanted to give my Legal Insurrection friends some reasons to have hope and a reason to focus locally. Many of these reasons can be found in Ballotpedia,...

I followed Shirley Sherrod’s lawsuit against Andrew Breitbart and Larry O’Connor over an edited video of Sherrod’s speech to an NAACP chapter very carefully early on, demonstrating beyond doubt that the core of Sherrod’s claim, that she was falsely portrayed in a short video Breitbart released,...

One thing you have to remember about Obamacare is that much of the financial pain, such as steep penalties, is back ended so that by the time people wake up to reality, the law has been operating for years and it’s too late. Here’s yet...

As a big fan of capitalism, I am fascinated by the concept of crowdfunding, whereby individuals network and pool their money via websites to support potentially profitable enterprises initiated by savvy entrepreneurs. It’s small-scale venture capitalism! Perhaps the best known crowdfunding enterprise is Kickstarter, which...

As a Tea Party activist, I am aware of many cases where officials become very insistent that citizens have all their paperwork in order before exercising the right to peacefully assemble. And, like the I.R.S. review of tax exemption applications, the same set of stringent...