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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


I am not someone who tries to keep track of how many of my predictions have come true. That sort of gamesmanship by hindsight is beneath me.And I don't try to settle scores with people who criticize me. That would be petty.So it...


There is a silver lining for Democrats in recent PPP polling of hypothetical 2012 matchups.Obama trails Mike Huckabee, Mitt Romney and Newt Gingrich by low single digits, and is tied with Sarah Palin.That last one must have Andrew Sullivan spinning while he waddles in his...

Think Progress is possibly the worst of the worst when it comes to twisting words and sentences out of context to accuse anyone who opposes the Obama agenda of being violent and racist.It is what Think Progress, with its large budget, does best.Think Progress had...

Scott Brown didn't see the forest for the trees in deciding to support Chris Dodd and Barney Frank's financial reform legislation.Although Olympia Snowe and Susan Collins went along also, they did so only after Brown made his announcement. If Brown had come out strongly against...

Harry Reid now:At a press conference announcing a package of proposals to help small business, the Nevada Democrat said Republicans were obstructing legislation to help the economy for political reasons.“They think the worse the economy is come November, the better they’re going to do election-wise,”...

to allow trolls, that is the question. For example, the Regular Troll: This guy is openly 180-degrees opposed to the purpose and/or ideological orientation of the blog. Whatever you're for, he's against, and vice-versa. If you're doing a free-market blog about tax policy, he's yelling...

In response to my post, Harry Reid's Iraq Failure, reader A.W. alerted me to a story which should define the Harry Reid-Sharron Angle race.If you want a good idea at how upset people are with Harry Reid, take a look at the story in The...

It's beginning to feel like the hot August of 2009, again.You can feel it. A growing discontent with the top-down, big government, free-spending, patronizing, arrogant ways of Washington, D.C.If that were all there were, it would merely be another year.What kicked off the hotly debated...

The NAACP just passed a resolution condemning as racist the tens of millions of people who consider themselves part of the Tea Party movement.As originally proposed, the resolution was to call upon “all people of good will to repudiate the racism of the Tea Parties,...

Harry Reid has a failed record on Iraq for which he never has been held accountable. Reid voted for the war, then falsely claimed he was misled, then tried to defund the war, then declared the war lost, and then stubbornly refused to acknowledge the...

The headlines regarding The Washington Post-ABC News poll just released focus on the finding that Confidence In Obama Reaches New Low.I certainly understand why that is the headline, but only if one digs deep into the actual polling data does one get a true picture...

Harry Reid appeared for an interview on Face-to-Face with Jon Ralston.Among the headlines, as noted by Ed Morrissey, is that Reid backed the federal government lawsuit against Arizona (in segment 4 below). After much verbal sparring with Ralston, Reid finally was pinned down, and said...

Welcome back from the July 4 vacation week. Now that you are back at work, you can take time off to catch up on the Harry Reid-a-thon which took place here:Sharron Angle Cannot Win - Just Like Scott Brown Reid Supporters Play The Rape CardIs...

In an upcoming issue of The Weekly Standard, Bill Kristol pens an editorial in which he argues that while "we are not not now quite at a founding moment, or even a re-founding moment," we are approaching a point of political crisis which will be...

And I thought Ithaca had bumper stickers gone wild fever.  A reader (the Good Doctor) sent a link to this photo of a car from Oregon:Is it time for a Bumper Stickers from Hell contest?  Would there be a better name for the contest?-------------------------------------------- Related Posts:Rip Van Bumper...

Nicholas Kristoff has found the answer to traditional Palestinian suicide bombers, hijackers, and hostage takers: A non-violent movement led by Palestinian women. But for now, Kristoff finds it's still a dream, because it depends on what the meaning of "non-violence" is. Describing one protest, seeking...