Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2565
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Jack Davis in NY-26 is described as a "Tea Party" candidate.  I have called that a false flag.Here's a good explanation of how Jack did it:After three straight losses as a Democrat, Davis courted the right — though he’s provided no roadmap to explain his...

For those of you who have wondered what is going on, Blogger had a system-wide failure beginning sometime yesterday, which froze blogspot.com blogs as reader-only.   The failure resulted from a maintenance upgrade on Wednesday.  (Small quirk of fate, the blog manager at Google who was...

KathleenI wonder if this will have any coverage: "A few months ago, the Federal Communications Commission approved Comcast's purchase of NBC by a vote of 4-1. At the time, many people joked that the commissioners were all just securing themselves a gig at Comcast for...

As more details have come out about the decision-making process which led to the raid on Osama bin Laden's compount, it is clear that the decision was tantamount to placing a bet.  As Obama acknowledged during his 60 Minutes interview, there was only slightly better...

Jack Davis, the faux Tea Party candidate and spoiler in NY-26 may have just spoiled Democrats' hopes of snatching the seat in a three-way race. Davis refused to participate in debates, and when confronted by someone from the Republican Party questioning why, Davis unloaded:The Davis campaign, including...

Quite an interesting discussion in 1978 on the U.S. TV show “The Advocate.” He looks familiar, I just can't place the name.(via LE)--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

In writing about Obama's "alligator moat" speech yesterday, I didn't pick up on this comment (video here), which is being reported as a dig at Fox News (emphasis mine):One CEO has this to say about reform, ‘American ingenuity is a product of the openness and...

Thanks to reader Sarah who spotted this odd combination in Green Bay, WI:Update:  Thanks to MaggotAtBroad&Wall; for pointing out in the comments that if you enlarge the image to 400% it all makes sense, as the wording below "Obama" comes into focus:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers -...

Someone should start keeping count, and see which rises faster, the national debt or Obama's use of the bin Laden killing:--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The appetizer from someone of enormous intellect:"As president, Barack Obama would be a genuine uniter."Now on to the main course:I noted yesterday, to the surprise of many readers, that Obama's 60 Minutes appearance was his best yet, and that the bin Laden killing was Obama's finest...

Sunday I put out an Emergency Call in NY-26 based on the mischief being created by false flag Tea Party candidate Jack Davis.  New polling (albeit by PPP) purports to show the Democrat with a few points lead.A win by the Democrat in this Republican...

This horrible advertisement is enough to make me love Scott Brown again, because it reminds me of the tactics we are up against in 2012:The League of Women Voters, which is spending $1.2 million to run the ads against Brown,  runs a toned-down version in an...

... or the Caribbean. Kathleen I just came back from having lunch with my boyfriend near his office in Battery Park. It's a truly lovely day in New York, roughly 65° with clear blue skies. My day was going swimmingly, in fact, until I stumbled...

George Bush's supposed walk-away from the hunt for bin Laden has been all over the news, in the blogosphere, and even in the comments here.Everyone points to this video, six months after 9/11.I have pointed out that the video is overstated, because at the time...