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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Tim Pawlenty is taking a leading and unflinching public position supporting Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker in the battle with public sector unions.As pointed out a The Hill, Pawlenty has been more aggressive and consistent at defending Walker:Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty (R) sought Thursday to...


Thanks to Instapundit. for reminding me that it was just two years ago that Rick Santelli fired off the Rant Heard 'Round The World:It gets better with time, and applies equally to the public sector unions which expect taxpayers to subsidize pensions and benefits which...

The video below (h/t Markos Krugman) has received a lot of attention because the pro-union protester called someone who apparently supported Gov. Scott Walker a "bad Jew."But I found equally interesting the woman's response when the person she called a "bad Jew" asked her if...

K. McCaffrey --- The news is always filled with stories about folks who fall victim to unfortunate circumstances. Brian Aitken, though, had months of hell from the hands of an insipid New Jersey judge:Brian had already left to drop off his things (which included the...

The decision by the the Department of Justice to refuse to defend the Defense of Marriage Act is a massive power grab by the Executive Branch.The Justice Department is tasked with representing the "government" is the broad sense in legal matters coming before the courts. ...

Is all the rage on the internets:Oh, sorry, wrong video.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

That seems to be the import of the ruling by federal Judge Gladys Kessler in upholding the Obamacare mandate in a suit brought by a group of private plaintiffs in Mead v. Holder (pg. 45, emphasis mine):As previous Commerce Clause cases have all involved physical...

The attempts of the union protesters in Madison, Wisconsin, to compare themselves to Egyptian protesters is reaching comical proportions.Sure, we saw all the silly, and sometimes threatening, signs.But now Think Progress has a headline (also image right) accusing Gov. Scott Walker of deliberately cutting off...

The Institute for Humane Studies, seemingly the epicenter of all pro-liberty events, funding, and seminars, has expanded to include videos from some of their scholars on a new website. has just been launched, but it has already proved to be a great resource. It's...

On Saturday, February 19, 2011, I was a guest on DaTechGuy's radio show on WCRN 830 True Talk Radio, a 50,000 watt superstation in New England.  We touched on the Sherrod v. Breitbart lawsuit, the Wisconsin union battle, the federal budget cuts passed by the...

from his plan to scale back (not eliminate) collective bargaining for state workers.  And contrary to the general mainstream media spin that Walker was rewarding a politically supportive group, perhaps Walker realized that when contronting the public sector unions, he would need all the protection he...

Egyptian Cleric Yusuf al-Qaradawi has issued a fatwa calling for the killing of Muammar al-Gaddafi.  How could anyone be opposed to taking out the guy who killed over 250 people on Pan Am 103 and who now is killing protesters in the streets?Certainly not me,...

Spotted in Ithaca this morning, a pretty unusual combination of bumper stickers.  --------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

The Obama administration was very active in sheparding Hosni Mubarek out of power in Egypt, yet has been almost silent until today about Muammar Gaddafi, even as Libyan troops have used aircraft to bomb protesters.Explanation?--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on...

K.McCaffrey --- In light of the repeal of Don't Ask Don't Tell, it has been interesting to watch the way certain schools have reconsidered hosting a ROTC program on their campuses. As far as New York City schools go, currently only Fordham University in the...