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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


MSNBC has given up any pretense of being a news organization, and is staking out an explicitly left-wing political persona as part of a new marketing campaign under the slogan, "Lean Forward."As reported by The New York Times:MSNBC, once the also-ran but now the No. 2...


The media trolls are out in full force trying to demoralize the opposition by floating stories about how the Democrats have regained their footing, are coming back across the country, and the Republican insurgency peaked early.  See Erick Erickson's column for a round up...

Was traveling all day, and of course, stuff happened:Sneaky little Scott Ashjian, or whatever his name is, proved that he is a sneak by secretly taping a conversation with Sharron Angle, and then leaking it to the Man.  The real shocker is that Angle, who...

Spotted by a reader in Chapel Hill, NC (the Ithaca of the South), a now rare and suprisingly well-preserved Haughty-Naughty (Kerry-Edwards) bumper sticker, with a touch of Ohio Moonbat thrown in:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube ...

I clicked through on a Dan Riehl tweet to his post about a column by Conor Friedersdorf at Forbes, about something or other.I don't know who Conor Friedersdorf is, but Riehl doesn't seem to like him, which is really surprising because Riehl likes just about...

The Stuxnet malware apparently was designed to damage or destroy industrial system controllers of the type used in Iran's nuclear program.It is too early to assess what, if any, damage has taken place in Iran because of the secrecy of the Iranian regime.  Based on...

Ben Jealous, President of the NAACP, has launched a high-profile media and web campaign to demand that people in the Tea Party movement renounce racist "elements" in the movement.  As I have posted before, Mr. Jealous took islolated, and in some cases planted, signs at...

Not just any photos.Photos of communist and socialist participants.But not just any photos of communists and socialist participants, because that would be too easy.No, the photos I want are of communists and socialist participants which appear in the mainstream media.I want examples of the mainstream...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:Gloria Allred earns a special place at the Saturday Night Card Game table for her performance this week in jumping the race card shark with a late-September Surprise on Meg Whitman,...

Last Sunday I highlighted the famed "Coexist" bumper sticker, which seems to be everywhere (at least in Ithaca, Berkeley and Cambridge).But there are liberal non-conformists out there, who refuse to wear the "Coexist" sticker on their cars just because all their friends are doing it.Melissa...

Is this NY Times profile of Christine O'Donnell not too bad, or am I just so used to complete, all-out hack jobs when it comes to O'Donnell that anything short of an all-out hack job seems okay?An Overnight Political Sensation Re-Emerges Into the Media Glare--------------------------------------------...

Greg Sargent who blogs at The Washington Post has been the single greatest blogospheric force in going after Sharron Angle and Christine O'Donnell, nitpicking their every word, and ascribing the worst motivations to ambiguous or out of context statements to portray them as dangerous extremists, liars, and worse.  Sargent...

NPR Will Be the Dominant News Force By 2020:NPR will be one of the dominant forces in media in ten years because their membership-based funding model is finely tuned to the habits of millennial news consumers. That's the prophecy of Craig Newmark, founder of Craigslist...

The New York Times reported on a possible reference to the Book of Esther in the Stuxnet code.  Queen Esther, of course, saved the Jews of Persia from the evil Haman, as celebrated in the Jewish holiday Purim.Now, a Symantec researcher has found a reference in the...

Gloria Allred is doing more to drive illegal immigrants underground and to target Latinos for racial profiling than anything the State of Arizona has even thought of doing.Allred dropped a late-September surprise on Meg Whitman based on the allegation that Whitman did not do enough...

A post at Israel Matzav about a failed attempt at a university in South Africa to boycott Israel's Ben Gurion University reminded me that there has been a vicious war underway, albeit one fought mostly under the media radar.The Islamist-Leftist Anti-Israel Coalition, which brought you such...