Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2547
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


KathleenThe Hill gave a shot at clarifying the facts behind the partisan rhetoric surrounding the rise in gas prices. I take issue, though, with the heavy reliance the author puts on the Energy Information Agency for his "nonpartisan" numbers. His numbers don't include oil shale...


Wonkette didn't start it.  And hasn't even been the most high profile voice (although perhaps the most crude).It has been there since the moment Sarah Palin was nominated for V.P., in the "high-end" liberal websites not just the bowels of the internet.Here is James Taranto...

On February 15, 2011, I dissected the lawsuit filed by Shirley Sherrod against Andrew Breitbart and Lawrence O'Connor, for defamation and other claims arising out of the release of Sherrod's speech to the NAACP about her experiences with a white farmer.In my analysis, I noted...

This buffet of bumper stickers was seen in Roanoke, VA, has some seen here before (Coexist, Bake Sale) and some new ones:Thanks to reader Tim for the photo.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...

It really isn't easy or breezy, but stuff like this helps:President Obama declared today's 41st annual Earth Day proof of America's ecological and conservation spirit—then completed a three-day campaign-style trip logging 10,666 miles on Air Force One, eating up some 53,300 gallons at a cost...

Perhaps this is why Obama was so annoyed when a local Texas reporter asked Obama why he was so unpopular in Texas, found on a car in Austin bearing various liberal bumper stickers:If Obama is losing the Austin crowd, how long before the base turns on...

KathleenSaturday Morning Breakfast Cereal is one of my favorite webcomics. One of their recent entries actually had me laughing out loud:After seeing this, I double-checked to make sure Newt Gingrich's PhD was in history, not physics. --------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal...

KathleenRobert Nelson really hit the nail on the head yesterday in the DC with his article "Earth Day — a national establishment of religion." As such, issues such as climate change involve more than just “science.” The Bible’s book of Deuteronomy reveals dire consequences for...

Thanks to reader Don who took this photo recently in Dallas, while stopped -- he says -- at a traffic light.Don tells me the bumper sticker says "NO HOPE IN SOCIALISM" with the "O" in the form of the Obama election campaign symbol.While I would...

Wonkette has removed its latest post mocking Trig Palin, and instead posted a snide comment about how it really meant to mock Sarah Palin and her followers (emphasis mine):"A post on this page satirizing Sarah Palin using her baby as a political prop was very badly...

We've seen the Twitter Death Wishes for Sarah Palin and Scott Walker, now it's Donald Trump's turn:For the third time, The Question of the Day, is:Why do these people, many of whom are professionals, feel no fear in expressing such death wishes in the open?(h/t to...

KathleenAccording to the SF Chronicle:Despite the promise that President Obama's first Facebook town hall would open a new level of two-way communication with his constituents, social-networking technology didn't add much to the conversation.Obama answered just eight questions during Wednesday's hour-long session at Facebook's secondary headquarters...

Recall Wirch has filed petitions to recall Democratic state Senator Robert Wirch.According to the Wisconsin GAB website, an "estimated" 18,300 signatures were filed, far in excess of the 13,537 needed to require a recall election.As reported by JSOnline, Democrats already are attacking the Recall Wirch...

Thank you, New York Times, for putting up your paywall.  Although there are ways around it, as my readers have suggested, I'm actually glad you made it more difficult to access your content.So much of my material over the past two and one-half years came...

The credentialed but unhinged class is making life really easy for moi:A University of Iowa professor felt the need to reply to a blast email by the College Republicans on Monday morning. Ellen Lewin, a professor of Anthropology and Gender, Women’s & Sexuality Studies in the...