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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In case you were wondering.Spotted by a reader near Chicago this weekend:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...


The Government Accountability Board (GAB) in Wisconsin is the governmental entity which is responsible for elections.Ever since Waukesha County Clerk Kathy Nickaulous discovered during the county's election canvass that the city of Brookfield was not included in numbers initially reported to the press, Democrats have been crying foul...

I posted yesterday about how Recall Wirch expects to submit several thousand more signatures than required for a recall election of Democratic state Senator Robert Wirch, who fled along with 13 other Democrats to Illinois.Now Democrats are organizing to challenge as many of the signatures...

The Democrat in Waukesha County who verified -- on video -- that the numbers from the city of Brookfield mistakenly were left out of the count reported to AP now insists she didn't see nothin' (via The PJ Tatler):I am 80 years old and I don’t understand anything...

Kathleen I caught wind of the story of a girl who was volunteering in a Seattle public school over her spring break:"At the end of the week I had an idea to fill little plastic eggs with treats and jelly beans and other candy, but...

In a split decision, the Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit has upheld a lower court decision to enjoin implementation of key provisions of S.B. 1070, the Arizona immigration law.  A copy of the 9th Circuit opinion is below.  The opinions was written by...

Having absented himself from the budget debate until the end, having run up several trillion dollars in debt, having expanded government, having proven himself completely incapable of comprehending that government is not the answer, Barack Obama is set to announce a deficit reduction plan.But as all things...

A few weeks ago, when the protests in Madison were still raging, it appeared that Justice David Prosser would go down to defeat by at least several percentage points, and the recall efforts seemed lopsided against Republican Senators.  I urged readers to get involved because we could not...

I never paid much attention to gun laws.  Now that I've finished my NRA basic handgun course, I'll start on what will be a very, very long process to get a hand gun permit.The laws are byzantine.  In New York State, where I live about...

Kathleen Vanity Fair, to which I begrudgingly subscribe (anything that keeps Hitchens on a payroll can't be that bad, right?), brought my blood to a boil this morning when I read their latest article on 'inequality.' Here's the gist: "Americans have been watching protests against...

The carnage in Syria continues at a dramatic pace, with the Syrian armed forces and/or police routinesly using live fire against protesters.Yet there is virtual silence from the world community and the Obama adminsitration.  Some recent words of  condemnation, but not much more.  No U.N....

Via The Muqata comes the video below of the Israeli Iron Dome system taking down a Kassam rocket fired from Gaza.  The technology is not perfect, but it has taken down numerous Hamas rockets in the past few days:The success of the Iron Dome missile...

Can I call 'em, or what.  Just yesterday I was noting Obama's strangely detached from reality focus in his speech Friday night on avoiding having a school trip to the Washington Monument canceled if the government shut down.So what did he do yesterday afternoon?  He took...

KathleenIs the government shutdown?No. And President Obama had to shove the "value" of compromise in our face:"President Obama surprised tourists with an appearance at the Lincoln Memorial Saturday afternoon. He was there to make the point that places such as the Lincoln Memorial are open...

From a recently rediscovered colleague:"Government continues to struggle with the most mundane of tasks, including counting votes. Yet many people want it to take on vastly more sophisticated projects, like running health care."His blog is here.--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection...

There is no taking it back on the internet (h/t Cubachi):--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTubeVisit the Legal Insurrection Shop on CafePress!...