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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Yesterday I posted on the Manhattan Institute's online magazine, Minding the Campus, which "is dedicated to the revival of intellectual pluralism and the best traditions of liberal education." The post was in response to the outrage that ensued after an announcement that the African Studies...


That's what Caroline Glick says of the WikiLeaks document dumps:Make no mistake about it, the ongoing WikiLeaks operation against the US is an act of war. It is not merely a criminal offense to publish hundreds of thousands of classified US government documents with malice...

Taken by reader Rich at a Wal-Mart parking lot near Tampa in late October:--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

I appeared last night on NRA News with Cam Edwards.  Here's the segment:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

I would not want to be Lebanon's Defense Minister Elias Murr right now.As reported by The L.A. Times, a cable from the U.S. Embassy in Beirut revealed by WikiLeaks alleges that Murr assisted the U.S. and Israel in the targeting of Hezbollah:Lebanon's Defense Minister Elias...

Sorry my posting had been slow, but it's not like I'm tired or burnt out, because that would be completely unacceptable and would cause mean people to poke fun at me. Let's just say, I'm fed up with the world, no that doesn't sound right, let's...

Bob Costa and Andrew Stiles of National Review had a great interview with South Carolina's Governor-elect Nikki Haley. Before today, I didn't know much about her aside from her policies (vaguely) but I'm really glad I took the time to read the interview. Particularly when...

When I first came to Ithaca, I knew I'd be in a liberal college town. I was fine with that, after all, I was coming from the most liberal college city (New York, NY). Amidst all the "fair trade" (what was unfair about trade in...

Taken by reader Thomas in Portland, Oregon:Don't stare at it too long, you'll go blind.Contest: Be the first person to post a comment pointing out something about this photo which relates to one of my prior bumper sticker posts.--------------------------------------------Related Posts:Bumper Stickers - The SeriesFollow me on Twitter, Facebook,...

H/t to reader Judd for this video:[youtube=]--------------------------------------------Follow me on Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube...

When the story broke last June about the arrest of 10 Russian sleeper agents, none of whom seemed to be in a position to do any real damage, many people laughed at the supposed ineptitude of the Russian secret services, and joked about femme fatale Anna Chapman.I... is reporting that Hugo Chavez "affirmed on national television on November 30 that Secretary of State Hillary "Clinton feels superior to Obama because she is white...

I posted yesterday about Ed Rollins being the latest of the "I knew Reagan" types to use a variation on Lloyd Bentsen's "You're no Jack Kennedy" line against Sarah Palin.Rollins was Mike Huckabee's campaign manager in the 2008 cycle, and guess who Rollins thought was the...

Who am I to argue with a tireless and indefatigable blog goddess:"Legal Insurrection is the greatest blog I've ever seen. It is full of insightful commentary on the human condition, with a wit-tinged subtext calling out for hope in a world of change, bringing joy...

The attack dogs are out, and they're not Democratic.They are Republicans who "knew Reagan" and play the phony "you're no Reagan" or "how dare you compare yourself to Reagan" or "how dare you put down Reagan," or some variation on that theme, against Sarah Palin.The latest...

Whenever something incriminating about the Clinton family arises, I look to Dick Morris for analysis. His latest TownHall article with Eileen McGann does not disappoint. "The Wikileaks information indicates that Hillary -- and her predecessor, Condolleeza Rice -- instructed American diplomats to gather information about...

..."To err is human.  I had what at the time seemed like a good idea as to how to expand health care coverage, but it turned out wrong.  I'll take part of the blame, but others who acted beyond my control also share in the blame. ...