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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


In response to a " a dear friend who runs a large charitable foundation" and who branded the tea party movement "a group of racists, xenophobes and bigots," Rabbi Shmuley writes in The Jerusalem Post, Why the Tea Party resonates with human dignity:Lost in the debate...


The New York Times had an Op-Ed yesterday complaining about anonymous trolls on blogs who post inflammatory messages to get a reaction:Trolling, defined as the act of posting inflammatory, derogatory or provocative messages in public forums, is a problem as old as the Internet itself, although its...

Showing some semblance of sense, President Obama proposed a two-year freeze on salaries for most federal workers yesterday. (Excluding those in the military, who account for roughly half the workforce.) This cancels their scheduled 1.4% pay increase in 2011. As Josh Barro of the Manhattan...

There is a lot which could be said about Joe Scarborough's very personal and demeaning screed against Sarah Palin, but I'll rest on this response:"You are the Alan Colmes of MSNBC, and I mean no offense to Alan Colmes."On second thought, maybe I just insulted...

Taken by reader Ben earlier this month in a Schnucks' parking lot in south St. Louis.I like Bobby Jindal, and a couple of years ago I thought this bumper sticker made sense.  Jindal has increased his national profile, but I'm not seeing a run for President in...

...Curious as to when you think the count should start.Don't bother with January 20, 2009, too obvious and predictable, but if you must know, that would make it Day 679.For suggestions, include start date and event which started it (and number of days, if you...

When Howard Kurtz was at WaPo, I wasn't a big fan.I took Kurtz to task for being As Deep Inside The Beltway As It Gets for his slobbering love note to Chuckie T., notwithstanding that Kurtz did blow the whistle -- after the game was over -- on the...

Nasty demand letters aren't working.  Tributes to "responsible, accountable, and open government" aren't working.How do we stop these Wikileaks folks short of dropping a house on their heads?Six ways to make people like youBecome genuinely interested in other people. Smile. Remember that a person's name...

Fox News had an interesting article on Friday about the stuxnet malware, and how it was ingeniously constructed to disrupt the Iranian nuclear program:"In other words the worm was designed to allow the Iranian program to continue but never succeed, and never to know why."But that...

The U.S. Embassy takeover in Tehran on November 4, 1979, was the start of 444 days which came to define Jimmy Carter.  The U.S. government was revealed to be powerless and the President weak.  Those among us who were alive and conscious during those days have embedded...

After the Four Loko craze a few weeks ago, it was only a matter of time before someone created an actually tasty, potent alcohol. According to the Daily Mail, alcohol-infused whipped cream is the latest sensation among college kids. "Whipahol Drink Toppings come in different...

Charles Krauthammer has lambasted the mainstream (i.e. liberal) media for its obsession with Sarah Palin.That goes double for liberal entertainers and academics, and triple for the left-blogosphere, which is nuts-in-the-head (that's a precise medical term in Austrian) when it comes to Palin.But this obsession is not a...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain:  Cornel West is Professor of Religion and African American studies at Princeton University. West left Harvard University in 2002 amid controversy, with accusations of racism and inadequate scholarship...

Friday evening, a Somali-born teen was arrested in Oregon for attempting to blow up a car bomb at a Christmas tree lighting. Predictably, he screamed "Allahu Akhbar" before his plan was foiled. Fox News reports:According to a federal complaint, Mohamud was in regular email contact...

The Daily Caller (h/t Instapundit) has an interesting post today on the push back by Tea Party supporters against corporations -- particularly in the pharmaceutical industry -- which cooperated and cut deals with the Obama administration to help pass Obamacare.  The Washington Post had a...

I remember commercials about "naming" stars with the International Star Registry. I understood the sentimental significance, but I really questioned how it could be a better gift than, let's say, jewelry. Finally, though, a Spanish woman has made an investment claiming a star - and...