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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Freedom? Spotted by reader Scott in Asheville, NC, on July 4th: ...


Because as we know, windmills are our future. While I did send a Tweet, I didn't get to follow the Twitter Townhall. Please tell me, did he mention windmills? or at least "wind energy"?...

while striking out at me at The Atlantic.  Read to the end to find out how and why. I have been a critic of Green, who is the Senior Editor of The Atlantic and writes a weekly column at The Boston Globe.   I criticized Green for...

If you are on Twitter, the Heritage Foundation has five questions it is asking Obama for his Twitter Townhall.  The event, like all of Obama's townhalls, is merely for show, but if he wants questions sent via Twitter, here are the five: Your budget was rejected...

I think the journolist community probably likes him quite a lot, which is why this Politico headline is so humorous, WMUR poll shows no bump for Jon Huntsman: It was possible to dismiss the recent Suffolk University poll showing Jon Huntsman in low single digits, but...

In late December I posted my "not predictions" for 2011.  (My "predictions" are here.) Here are the first 10 "not predictions."  I think I'm doing pretty well, although some still are works in progress: There will be a government shutdown crisis over the House budget, which will...

Democrats must be in trouble if The Daily Beast is running a headline White Supremacist Stampede, with this opening line: Add to the growing list of candidates considering a bid for the GOP presidential nomination in 2012 America’s most famous white-power advocate: David Duke. Ah yes, the...

Benjamin Korn of Jews for Sarah, writing at the JTA,  OP-ED: Jews becoming commonplace in conservative ‘new media’: Many reviews already have appeared of "The Undefeated," the soon-to-be-released documentary about Sarah Palin’s tenure in Alaska.Yet none of them -- even in The Los Angeles Times, Huffington...

The NY Post, which whatever else it is has good sources in NYC, is reporting that the charges will be dropped against Dominique Strauss-Kahn within the next couple of weeks: Prosecutors will agree to drop the charges against Dominique Strauss-Kahn -- either on his next court...

Thanks to reader Phil for alerting me to this very troubling development: Stricter offensive bumper sticker law takes effect Starting Friday [July 1], Tennessee drivers caught with obscene or patently offensive bumper stickers, window signs or other markings on their vehicle visible to other drivers face an...

Hey, it's a slow news day.  I can't even find a good Stuxnet story to write about. We have extensive hydrangea and hosta gardens at our home in Rhode Island, and I'm particularly happy with the way this Oak Leaf hydrangea is growing.   We bought it...

What's on your mind?...

Thanks to IsraellyCool for reminding me that today also is the 35th anniversary of the Israeli hostage rescue raid in Entebbe, in which Jonathan Nethanyahu, commander of the raid and brother of current Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was killed. You know the story. I...

Spotted by reader Bob in Mountlake Terrace, WA.  If the drafters of the Bill of Rights had known, they would have worded the 1st Amendment to read as follows: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or...

Late this afternoon, the 500th person registered with this blog just two weeks after registration opened. Thanks for signing on. If only they had had our 500, who knows: Update:  In response to some reader questions, registering has nothing to do with WordPress.  If you have a WordPress...