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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



I'll admit I don't understand all the intricacies of the U.S. Senate Rules, but moments ago Harry Reid pulled the "nuclear option" in order to prevent Republicans from forcing Senate Democrats to vote on Obama's jobs bill. As reported by The Hill (h/t Marathon Pundit): In a shock...

The anti-1% street agitation is the fulfillment of a process we have seen unfold since Obama's 2008 campaign, a process by which a group of various definitions of wealth is isolated and targeted for demagoguery. It was the Top 5%, then the Top 2%, now it's...

The smear is long gone from the front pages, but will live on forever in Rick Perry's campaign: “I know for a fact that in 1984, that rock was painted over. It was painted over very soon, my family did that.” Silly you, Rick, you thought WaPo...

The silent majority. The ones who pay the bills, and the taxes, and the tuitions, and the pensions, and the benefits, for the people who falsely claim to be the 99%. The ones who did not graduate from the school of perpetual expectations and handouts. The ones who...

Tea Party = Terrorists OccupyWallStreet = Heroes...

Which candidate will most benefit from Palin not running? NOT who do you want to win, but who will benefit. Poll open until 5 p.m. Thursday. Which candidate most benefits from Palin not running? (NOT who do you want to win)...

Sad news.  Steve Jobs has died, not long after he resigned from Apple. My prior post about Jobs, An Apple what if. An American corporate hero.  He will be missed.  ...

Just breaking on the Mark Levin Show.  Link to audio is here.  Written statement is here Not considering third party because would guarantee an Obama victory. My initial thoughts: Probably for the better in the drive to unseat Obama, but only because of the political corruption of the...

You may remember that stopped doing business through "affiliates" (websites and blogs) in California, after the state passed a law requiring companies like Amazon to collect state sales taxes on purchases made through California affiliates. Amazon has settled with California and will resume its relationships, but it...

Some questions of the day: Will Russ Feingold have a reunion with his former staffer at the Occupy Wall Street protest?  And why did the former staffer just turn his Twitter account private? Madison, Wisconsin progressives are traveling to D.C. for this weekend's protests, what possibly could go wrong? How is...

Think Progress is in a tizzy because Herman Cain told it like it is as to the politics of jealously and envy which are the driving force bechind the Occupy Wall Street movement and the Democratic Party's election strategy. ...

George Mason University School of Law is considered "conservative," at least by law school standards. So when CAIR played the Islamophobe card and demanded that the school shut down a speech by Nonie Darwish , Dean Daniel Polsby said no thanks to CAIR's attempt to squelch dissenting voices: It appears...