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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


It's coming too fast and furious, and in some cases is too bizarre, to summarize here.  And some of the charges are not worth repeating. While I'm sure his supporters are frustrated, they shouldn't be. Better to get it all out there and deal with it now.  He'll...


Sometime today the 1,000th User registered here. Exactly two months after registration opened with the move away from Blogger, and about six weeks after The 500. I haven't forgotten about Phase 2, it's just that things have been a bit busy. Thanks for signing on.  I'll stop now, before...

It's hopeless with the current man at top. Flickers of job hope quickly fade because there is a cloud hanging over the country's economy and job growth: The number of people who applied for unemployment benefits last week rose back above the 400,000 level in the latest week,...

There were a series of coordinated terrorist attacks in Israel overnight (our time, noon Israeli time).  At least six people were killed, and the attacks apparently emanated, at least in part, from Egyptian territory. Israel Matzav is gathering the latest information. Updates: The Israel Defense Forces reports that...

On Tuesday I posted a video of Andrew Klavan debunking the "War Is Not The Answer" bumper sticker, and I thought to myself, funny how I haven't seen one of those in Ithaca. So driving to campus Wednesday, what do I see? ...

What was the first thing that popped into your mind when you read the post title? The Super-Committee, right?  When talks break down we're going "to make a series of dangerous unilateral concessions to try to convince" the Democrats "to come back to the conference table." Well, not...

This is really strange. The first time I heard the term "Firebagger" (a play on you know what) was when Joan Walsh (of and Jane Hamsher (of Firedoglake, hence the "Firebagger" term) had the race card played on them because of their criticisms of Obama. ...

New reports have surfaced (h/t CharlieSykes) that Paul Ryan is reconsidering his prior decision not to run for President: As Wisconsin congressman Paul Ryan comes to a final decision about running for president, several top national conservatives are encouraging him to join the race. Ryan, who has...

No official incitement in the new Egypt, "Mossad plotted to harm Egyptian fertility": Israeli citizen Ofir Harrari, recently accused by Egypt of spying for Israel, was allegedly involved in a complicated scheme intended to harm Egyptian reproduction abilities, Egypt's official state paper Al-Ahram has claimed. Harrari, accused by...

Obama has a jobs plan.  He will tell us when he is ready.  Until then, just chill. It's early in the day, but this Tweet by Mark Knoller of CBS News already is the winner of the Obama Jobs Plan Tweet of the Day, both because it...

without waiting for more evidence, arrests, or anything else, because any act of violence requires universal and unflinching comdemnation of everyone reading the same publications as, or sharing general political beliefs similar to, the person or persons who shot at and vandalized the home of a non-union contractor: The Monroe...

That two different readers would photograph and send me photos of the same vehicle over seven months apart?  Different angles and lighting conditions. Take a look at the vehicle in this post from January 3, 2011, sent by reader Kathryn, and this photo sent to me yesterday...

Post-mortem --  No excuses or hand holding.  Bad News:  Dems held both their seats, and Republicans hold the Senate by only one seat.   Good News:  Republicans hold the Governorship, Senate and Assembly, and the big things have been done, including the collective bargaining law, the budget...

There is a very interesting blog post at Political Math (via Instapundit) explaining why the attacks on Rick Perry based on Texas' job growth will fail. The attack on Perry, which the Axelrod/Plouffe message machine is pushing, is that Texas still has unemployment near the national average, any...

This would be good, via WaPo: Much of the speculation about Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli’s political future has focused on whether the Republican who has made a name for himself suing the federal government would run for re-election, or for governor in 2013 But in an...

As readers know, I've been blogging about the Recall (Robert) Wirch effort for several months, long before the national media paid attention to the fact that there were Democratic State Senators in Wisconsin subject to recall. Here are links to some (but not all) of my...