San Diego State U. Pride Center Claims ‘Fatphobia’ is ‘Rooted in Anti-Blackness’
“fat individuals are often discriminated against and judged in what should be an open and welcoming space”

This may sound ridiculous, and it is, but it’s also a reminder that the left is still pushing the concept of intersectionality.
Campus Reform reports:
San Diego State University Pride Center says ‘fatphobia’ is ‘rooted in anti-Blackness,’ calls on students to champion ‘fat bodies’
The Pride Center at San Diego State University recently shared an Instagram post explaining the supposed intersection between being “Queer + Fat.”
“Anti-Fatness/fatphobia is intrinsically rooted in anti-Blackness, racism, classism, misogyny, homophobia, and many other systems of oppression,” the post, which was shared on Thursday, reads.
“Fatphobia is deeply entrenched in Western society, making it difficult to unlearn and avoid,” the Center states.
It continues, claiming that the “2SLBTQIA+ community is not immune to fatphobia” because “fat individuals are often discriminated against and judged in what should be an open and welcoming space.”
The post urges students to challenge “fatphobia” by “reading literature by Fat Liberationists” and “advocating for fat bodies,” among other measures. It also warns readers against “complimenting weight loss” and claims that “[f]atness is lovely and has value.”
The Pride Center defines “fatphobia” as “systemic discrimination and stigmatization of fat bodies. “
The post digs deeper, claiming that “fat bodies” are supposedly misrepresented as “undesirable” and “lazy.” It encourages students to “[e]ducate [themselves] on fatphobia” and recommends the book “Fearing the Black Body” as a source.
The Pride Center also states that “fatphobia can make it harder for folks to come out,” citing supposed disapproval of overweight individuals, and states that overweight “queer and fat” individuals who are also “trans” can have issues with obtaining “gender affirming care items” that accommodate larger body sizes.

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Oh, shut up.
Agreed…sexual selection predates the history of mankind and exists in most species of complex organisms across the globe.
So the SSN Diego U Pride Crnter thinks blacks are fat??? My goodness!
When will I learn to proof read!!!!
Fatphobia is anti-blackness because being fat is a defining characteristic of blacks.
Kamala lost because being brainless, feckless, big-spending, communist phonies is a defining characteristic of women.
It’s amazing to watch the left wildly throwing mud around in defeat, collaterally damaging their own franchise with every thrash.
What a 2 ton Tessie tub of lard.
Leftists are truly brain-addled.