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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: I know, I know, you've heard it all before.  Broken dreams and shattered hopes that the use of the race card for political gain would not get any worse.  But I...


I'm sure that by "fight back" they don't literaly mean "fight" back, it's just a turn of phrase.  Like "take these son of bitches out," words, just words. And when it comes to the pension system in Rhode Island, which is on the brink of collapse, "fight...

As I have mentioned before, I wind up in New York most weekends and this one is no exception. I'm staying in the Financial District, as I usually do, where there has been a particularly eerie spell cast over the streets. Cops are patrolling the...

What is going on in Egypt was all foreseeable to those of us who did not harbor the romantic view of the Arab Spring, which in many places was just a venting of anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel which had been suppressed by dictatorial rulers.  Just ask Lara...

Via NRO, Anti-Israel Durban Declaration Reaffirmed: On Thursday, Western negotiators at the U.N. caved in to the demands of envoys from Islamic states to renew a modern-day form of the decades-long U.N. smear campaign alleging that the Jewish state is racist. Diplomats agreed on a new...

What's the chance these two bumper stickers would be on the same vehicle? Thanks to reader Dave, who writes: Love the blog; please keep up the great work! Here is a picture of a bumper sticker on a car parked in Arlington, Virginia.  Feel free to add any...

As Obama talks up Son of Spendulus, it is important to remember how his promises of job creation fared last time.  Below are two charts, the second new for this post. From Veronique de Rugy: ...

From Ladd Ehlinger, creator of the best political commercial ever (and its sequel), via The Other McCain (which also has updates on the election): ...

I made the point the other day that Sarah Palin's speech in Indianola, Iowa, went to the core of the Tea Party movement: I don’t know what the future holds for Palin, whether she will be a candidate or just a powerful voice against crony capitalism.  I...

Obama flubbed his history.  Via Ed Morrissey, Obama inaccurately called Abraham Lincoln the founder of the Republican Party: Not true! Doesn't Obama know history? So now the media will erupt for weeks on end about what an "idiot" and "fool" and "know-nothing" Obama is, just like it erupted over...

After last night's pre-game speech, this bumper sticker is particularly meaningful. Thanks to reader Will who spotted this in Breckenridge, CO, and writes: Not even sure what this one is supposed to mean ...

Advanced excerpts of the speech here. Reduced to one sentence: Been there, done that. Post speech update (full text here): What a horrendous event.  It truly was, a 40 minute attack on Republicans (sometimes explicitly, sometimes implicitly) with a series of straw man arguments.  This was a stump speech by someone...

I wasn't sure Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan really would follow through on threats of a military confrontation with Israel over the Gaza blockade, but the recent U.N. panel decision upholding the legality of the blockade over Turkish protests seems to have sent Erdogan...

The OECD reports that it "expects 0.3% growth in the UK in the last three months of the year, but said the economy could contract by as much as 1% amid high uncertainty over its projections. ...

The 4th Circuit has dismissed Virginia's Obamacare mandate suit, which Virginia won in the District Court, on the ground that the Attorney General did not have "standing" to sue (meaning that he was not a person legally entitled to sue). I haven't seen the opinion yet,...

I thought Romney did well last night, as did Perry (although expectations were higher for Perry).  Newt was the star. But, Romney's post-debate performance by his messaging team was horrid, playing the "kill social security card" on Perry.  We can quibble about whether the social security...

On The O'Reilly Factor (with Laura Ingraham sitting in) the other night, Ann Coulter claimed the status of the only brave conservative on TV willing to criticize Sarah Palin (full transcript at the link, video here): And it doesn't really matter, I might add, that, oh, it's...