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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


We know how they would be treated. Another one from Jason, who writes: Whenever I see the "coexisters" I always wonder how they would be treated on the streets of Cairo...


We knew Teddy Roosevelt.  Teddy Roosevelt was a friend of ours.  And you, former Senator, are no Teddy Roosevelt.  Or something like that. ...

Q.  Who was the last person to actually cut government? As pointed out at C4P: Rush is correct. Newt was indeed the last person to substantially cut Government and execute reform. However; what folks seem to confuse that with is the idea that Newt actually “cut” budgets. That...

Some people in the Republican Party want to follow John McCain's policy of not going after Obama personally: Republicans on a private Republican National Committee conference call with allies warned Tuesday that party surrogates should refrain from personal attacks against President Barack Obama, because such a...

Someone got the message that the current "hide and don't seek me" strategy was not working. Now when Romney goes on Glenn Beck like Newt just did, then I'll really be impressed.  But until then, this will have to do: But I'm curious about the timing. ...

Wow, just wow. Republican Mark Reed is running for Congress in California's 30th District against Democratic Congressmen Brad Sherman and Howard Berman in a new district resulting from redistricting.  Reed is a conservative, Tea Party backer. Reed is making a big deal about the Obama administration's policy towards Israel,...

The latest polling has caused an avalanche of attacks on Newt from just about every corner: Newt had an extensive interview with Glenn Beck (audio and transcript).  Beck hammered Newt on all the known Newt policy issues, and all of the questions were appropriate.  I think Newt...

I've posted about "unknown unknowns" before, as it is a structure I use in class to discuss how to build a case.  At a press conference about Iraq Donald Rumsfeld famously said: “[T]here are known knowns; there are things we know we know.  We also know there...

Prior to Rick Perry announcing he would run for President I brought on Katie Thompson to make the case for Perry.  Katie now is a leader of Students for Perry, and I predict, a future mover and shaker in Republican circles. Given all that has happened over...

Thanks to frequent photographer Jason, who writes: taken about a week ago in Raleigh, NC...

LI reader and blogger Jeff Dobbs has a post up about Romney's media strategy, which can be termed "hide and hope they don't seek me" (that's my term).  Jeff compares it to Obama's strategy in 2008 of carefully controlling his exposure to the media. The strategy...

When someone finds himself so in need of criticizing the U.S. that he ends up defending the brutal Iranian regime which for over 30 years has funded anti-U.S. and anti-Israel groups around the globe and sought to export Islamist fundamentalism, then all credibility has been lost. See,...

I previously have highlighted the treatment of the "Arab Street" by NY Times columnist Roger Cohen in the midst of the Arab Spring protests, many of which revealed an open and ugly anti-Semitic side: In the Middle East you expect the worst. But having watched Egypt’s extraordinary civic...

I posted yesterday the spot on article by Byron York, The insider-outsider divide over Newt Gingrich, which delves into the great divide between Washington Republican political players (politicians and media) who have their noses out of joint over Newt because he was mean to them in...

It's hard to be shocked at anything anti-Scott Walker protesters do anymore given Wisconsin's Long Strange Trip. So as much as I want to be shocked at anti-Walker protesters greeting the Governor with a Nazi salute at a Christmas Tree lighting ceremony at the State Capitol...

The Center for American Progress (CAP), the George Soros funded Democratic messaging machine, runs the aggressive Think Progress website. Think Progress is obsessed with attacking the Tea Party movement as racist, the Koch Brothers as evil manipulators, and Clarence Thomas as corrupt.  Think Progress blogger Matthew Yglesias helped ignite the false story...

Newt Gingrich just released his first Iowa television ad, a few days after Rick Perry, Mitt Romney and Ron Paul did so. (Some SuperPACs have been running ads longer, but these are from the campaigns.) Very different themes, with Newt keeping it in a "Morning...