Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2472
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion



Dr. Melissa Clouthier writing about An Indictment Of Right Leaning Journalism By Ben Domenech: Here’s the nutshell: The Left-leaning journalism investigates the right. The Right-leaning journalism provides commentary and (and Ben doesn’t say this, but I am) when they do rarely investigate, investigates the right after being...

The same way Ted Kennedy and John McCain did. And it's already showing results for Obama.  Mitt Romney's negatives are rising because of some initial attacks by the Obama campaign apparatus on Romney's "core" and his Wall Street connections: The Purple Poll, a survey of 12 swing...

You probably have heard about the inappropriate booing of one of our national figures.  Such conduct undoubtedly reflected latent racial tingedness and ethnic subtextism. The Southern Poverty Law Center has issued a profile of the type of person who engages in such conduct, after an exhaustive study of the person who once threw a...

... unless you read the Bible in public school. Spotted this vehicle in Albany, NY, last week when I made a day trip there (about 3 hours from Ithaca): ...

How often have we heard that portraying Obama as out of touch with the American people constitutes a racially tinged and undertoned use of Otherness? Just the other day Rick Perry was accused of invoking Otherness when he said Obama had been privileged: Rick Perry, seeking to paint  President...

I had not heard this story before, but then again, I didn't pay much attention to the Republican primaries in 2008: In 2008 it was uncovered long after the primaries had been concluded that the Romney campaign staff had in unethical and covert ways infiltrated prominent conservative...

The so-called Super Committee is on the brink of failure, if it has not already failed: The congressional committee tasked with reducing the federal deficit is poised to admit defeat as soon as Monday, and its unfinished business will set up a year-end battle over emergency...

I have not been particularly sympathetic to the activities of Occupy protests around the country, as the message often is one of self-wallowing pity, misplaced blame, and in some cases, vile rhetoric.  The conduct often has been violent. There is a video circulating of police at the...

Robert Novak, writing just after Obama defeated John McCain and Democrats solidified their hold on Congress, predicted that Republicans would turn to Newt Gingrich to lead them back to presidential power in 2012, Newt in 2012? (via @jmartpolitico): In serious conversations among Republicans since their election debacle Tuesday,...

Thanks to reader Cathy who writes: Spotted at Sonny's BBQ, Sanford Florida, today at lunch. My favorite is lower left. 'and we thought Carter sucked'. AmenPersonally, I prefer the "Tell Barack I'm baroke." ...

As reported by The NY Times, Romney Shifts in Iowa, Playing to Win Quickly: Mr. Romney, who has been cautiously calibrating expectations about his chances in a state full of social conservatives, is now playing to win the Iowa caucuses. Television commercials are on the way,...

This is the latest in a series on the use of the race card for political gain: The child abuse accusations against Jerry Sandusky rightly have captured the attention of the nation.  The protests of students after it was announced the Joe Paterno was removed as...

I've been trying to articulate the way to engage with OWS-sympathizers for the past few weeks. It's hard to write-off some aspects of the OWS gripes: some sectors have seen an inordinate amount of favoritism from the government while a lot of the middle class...

I previously posted about Connie Mack IV's decision to run for the Senate, and wondered what his chances would be. Looks like they are pretty good, according to Rasmussen: Republican Congressman Connie Mack changed his mind late last month about challenging longtime Democratic Senator Bill Nelson in...