Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2474
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Elizabeth Warren claimed to have provided the intellectual foundation for the Occupy movement, and of course, articulated one of the most pure redistributionist rationales which made her a hero of the Occupy movement. But Warren has found a place she does not want Occupied, her employer Harvard...


Makes perfect sense.  Both car owners believe in freedom for all, but only one is willing to do something about it. Thanks to reader Joel who writes: Seen today as I walked to my car in the parking lot in Westlake Village (Ca). Of course, just next to...

Trying my best to break the headlock Newt, Romney and Cain have placed on this blog. The rest of the world is falling apart: Who coulda predicted:  Israel watches as world rejects strict sanctions on Iran Only 4% of Republicans trust Michele Bachmann with a nuke. Mayhem Some guy said something...

The California Supreme Court has just resolved a major procedural issue as to Prop. 8, which codified the "one man, one woman" definition of marriage into the California Constitution after the California Supreme Court held that there was a state constitutional right for same-sex marriage. The...

Thank you Jennifer, Michael, Gene, Quin, Ann, and others, for telling us that Newt Gingrich is unacceptable as a nominee because he took some positions in the past that were not conservative. I don't know where we'd end up without you. At least we have one candidate whose...

When I saw this Michelle Bachmann ad my first thought was, "Don't go there, Michele, this will not help you."  But on second thought, why not? I have been in favor of niceness so far, but I wondering whether it's gone on long enough.  Why shouldn't the...

The Romney trolls have come out in full force since I ran my post yesterday, Why I Support Newt Gingrich. Here's an e-mail I received this morning (emphasis mine): You seem to have been a day early in your Gingrich endorsement, precisely because he has been slinking...

Newt Gingrich appeared on the Mark Levin Show last night to address a variety of issues.  Levin has been pretty harsh towards Newt at times in the past. Thanks to The Right Scoop for the audio: I find it very interesting that while Gingrich is more than willing...

I don't know what it is about septic trucks that brings out the best in readers.  After running a photo of a political message on a septic truck I received multiple photos from readers, including this from reader Joe who wrote: I saw the bumper sticker...

Ann Coulter is going after Newt Gingrich now because Newt has not been sufficiently consistent over the years, and because Romney is inevitable and will beat Obama: The mainstream media keep pushing alternatives to Mitt Romney not only because they are terrified of running against him,...

The recall effort against Scott Walker is being led by United Wisconsin, which bills itself as a non-partisan group. Of course, that's nonsense, this a Democratic effort through and through, as reported by WISC Madison: Members of United Wisconsin, the group coordinating the recall effort against Gov....

I'm not one for commemorating anniversaries and dates. And, even if I was, I can't attach a date to most of my important revelations and discoveries. That being said, I do have an exception. Milton Friedman died exactly five years ago today. I remember this well because...

The ABC News interview with Gabrielle Giffords was worth watching except for one moment, when ABC decided that it could not put on a widely-watched full hour program without smearing Sarah Palin by trying to connect Palin's electoral map to the Giffords shooting (via Newsbusters): I...

I have been agnostic on the Republican primary so far, but the time for choosing has arrived. For the reasons set forth below, I believe that the primaries will come down to Mitt Romney versus Newt Gingrich.  As such, the choice is not between Newt Gingrich and some...