Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion - Part 2470
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Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion


Yesterday I noted the accusation by an anti-Israeli LGBT activist writing in The New York Times that Israel engages in "pinkwashing," the promotion of its not-gay bashing, not-gay stoning, not-gay hating policies to cover up its suppression of Palestinians. How long before Israel is accused of...


Newt Gingrich's statement on immigration at the national security debate is being called an unforced error by some in the conservative media.  Immigration was not the topic of the night, so why make it the highlight of the night? I don't know whether Newt's position, that...

and all the others who have served this country. From reader and frequent photographer Linda: To you and yours, Professor God bless you for your work in the cause of liberty for all. May we all have cause to be especially thankful come Thanksgiving 2012! This bumper sticker spotted at...

Happy Thanksgiving Eve.  Here are some things I've noticed but have not been able to do separate posts about: ABA Gives “Not Qualified” Rating to 14 of 185 Proposed Obama Judicial Nominees.  This reminds me of the futile attempt to stop the nomination of a federal...

Every time one thinks it is impossible for Israel haters to come out with a more bizarre justification for hating Israel, someone comes up with an even more bizarre justification. Today's exhibit is City University of New York Professor Sara Schulman, who is feverishly anti-Israeli to...

One of the key supposed foreign policy achievements of the Obama administration is turning into a disaster. Egypt is quickly devolving into chaos with only bad likely outcomes, as Barry Rubin writes: Only days before parliamentary elections, Egypt is in a huge crisis whose outcome will determine the...

Barack Obama flopped it in NH when he was heckled during a speech:  'A lot of the folks who have been down in New York and all across the country, in the Occupy movement, there is a profound sense of frustration,' he said. 'There is a...

Last night Newt Gingrich addressed the issue of whether to deport people who are in the country illegally but have deep roots in the community over long periods of time.  The issue of deportation is quite distinct from a so-called "pathway to citizenship." The Romney campaign...

Windmills are a centerpiece of Obama's energy plans for the nation. We've already documented how wind power subsidies take from the windless to give to the winded, and some problems when the wind blows too much. Here's another, from Britain, regarding noise pollution: Wind turbines are being turned off...

to see readers wait for a red light to take a bumper sticker photo. Thanks to reader Ira who writes: Love the blog, and look forward to all the bumper stickers. Attached is one I observed in Naples, FLA almost two weeks ago, while on a trip to...

Wolf Blitzer started the night by confirming that Wolf really was his first name. In the introductory statements, Mitt Romney confirmed that Mitt was his first name. Except that it's not, it's Willard. Which leads to the Tweet of the Night from @AshleyRParker:  ...

Tonight is coverage of the national security debate hosted by CNN. To comment in the live feed please register in the CoverIt-Live box using OpenID (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc.). Your Legal Insurrection registration will not work. If you comment anonymously, your comment will be held in...

As rendered by artist J.S. Leibowitz: ...

As this goes to post, Wolf Blitzer is preparing carefully and cautiously for the Republican foreign policy / national security debate he will be moderating tonight on CNN. The questions were written long ago, but they are being checked and rechecked again.  No chances can be...

Steve Haywood at Power Line (h/t Instapundit) has a good post pointing out how the Occupy movement moved quickly from Woodstock to Altamont: Numerous observers have pointed out how the media and liberals (sorry for the redundancy) lavished sympathy on Occupy Wall Street until it became...

Yes, there is another debate tonight.  I haven't decided whether to go "live" or do commentary at the breaks. While it would be easy to complain about yet another debate, I think the debates have been worthwhile in sorting out the candidates.  Tonight will be the...